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Query regarding salad ingredients.


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I went shopping today, in preparation to start my Whole 30, on Monday, 4th April. 


I picked up some mixed bean sprouts, but realised when I got home they may not be a compliant option. 


My sprout mix contains the following: 


Alfalfa sprouts


Radish seed


Beansprouts in variable proportions, including: 


Adzuki Bean Sprouts


Mung Bean Sprouts


Chickpea greens/sprouts


Brown lentil sprouts


Any ideas if these are acceptable or not, especially the latter  "Beansprout" mix? 



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Yes, so long as they're the sprouts rather than the beans then they're okay for Whole30 purposes.

Pretty much anything you have a query on will have been answered on the forums previously. The easiest way to search the forums is via Google. Just type 'Whole30' + 'your query' (in this case sprouts) into Google and you will find links to all previous discussions on the subject.

Hope this helps  :)

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