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Starting April 18th


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Well, we're finally going to do our first round of W30.  My 6 kids, husband and I start tomorrow!  I'm spending the day clearing out my pantries, menu planning and then heading to the store to grocery shop for the week. 


I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous.  My husband's on board and my kids (who are all teens/tweens) are reluctantly accepting (Not that they have a choice since I buy the food AND we homeschool so it's not like they can eat off-plan food while away at school)  but most of the planning is going to be on me.  No one is looking forward to the next 30 days.  I've tried to prepare them all as to what to expect but I know it's going to be a hard transition. 


My biggest worry is that my teens are going to be hungry.  Most of them are boys...hungry growing boys that are used to eating breads, muffins, chips, cereal bars, granola bars, etc.  I'm at a complete loss as to what I can provide for them to fill that void between meals.  Ugh...just a little bit stressed right now!  


I really want this to work for us. One of my daughter is mildly mentally retarded, two of my kids have attention difficulties, and another son is being heavily medicated for Asthma, allergies, and really bad acne.  I personally have moderate-severe eczema and essential tremors and my husband has high blood pressure.  So you can probably see why I'm praying we're able to get through the 30 days and hopefully see some results.  


Well, back to the planning...tomorrow's the big day. 



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My biggest worry is that my teens are going to be hungry.  Most of them are boys...hungry growing boys that are used to eating breads, muffins, chips, cereal bars, granola bars, etc.  I'm at a complete loss as to what I can provide for them to fill that void between meals.  Ugh...just a little bit stressed right now!  

Hi Sandy & welcome to Whole30


If you build all of your meals according to the template (1-2 palm sized pieces of protein, 1-3 cups of veg with 3 being optimum, and a generous serving of fat) there should be no void between meals. Bear in mind that portions are personalized - protein for instance will be the siz of each person hand, not the same serving for everyone. If they are genuinely hungry between meals feed them a mini meal made up of at least two of the three macros (protein & fat, protein & veg/carbs, or veg/carbs & fat) - so something like hard boiled eggs, chicken & guac, meatballs & mayo - then increase the size of their next meal.

Protein & fat take much longer for the body to process, and protein is what growing boys need - not those refined carbs. Feed them to the high end of the template if they are active, and consider  pre & post WO meals if they do a lot of team sports or training.

Relax & enjoy the ride!

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