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New and starting July 1-8, 2016


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I have been eating "primarily paleo" for over a year and doing Sarah Ballantyne's (paleomom) sleep challenge since January 1, 2016. I have high numbers for autoimmune antibodies, but no diagnosed illness at this point.

I originally felt that I would be unsuccessful with Whole 30 because it's so restrictive, but I've reconsidered. My problem is that I can go for months and months with no bread or pizza, and then, bingo, some switch flips in my head, and I'm lost. Ditto chocolate, wine, gluten free cookies, etc,

I believe I can do this, but I'm not 100% sure. My husband is supportive but not committed. There will still be non compliant foods in the house, from bread to peanut butter to pizza and beer.

Now, my most pressing question for today: has anyone experienced a problem with what I call the "last meal" syndrome? Like a prisoner on death row, I find myself eating certain foods "for the last time." One day it was an egg sandwich for breakfast, with ham and cheese no less. Yesterday it was a chocolate bar (76% cacao). Tonight, a glass of wine! These are items I have not eaten in months!

I like the idea if a forum that's open to people starting within a date range. So maybe July 1-8?

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Going out on a bit of a bender before your Whole30 is fairly common. We would caution you though because the level of suck that you experience in the first 1-10 days of your Whole30 is going to be directly and proportionally related to how far off the rails you go beforehand.  You may choose to reign in the "last meal" mentality in order not to suffer unneccessarily. 


There are groups that start around the same time so if you start July 3rd and there's a group that started July 1st, feel free to jump in with them.  This happens all the time.  We don't moderate how people name their groups though so you'll just have to wander around the forum until you find something that you like.  Or create one.  :)


Most people doing this retain non-compliant foods in their homes either by their choice or not.  I never threw anything out, it was just "not an option" for me.  Depending on your personality and how you do with temptations and guidelines, you'll have to decide how to work it out.  Lots of people designate one drawer or cupboard for their family's non compliant treats/foods so that they don't have to dig through the oreos to find the coconut milk, as an example.


My last tip for you.  If you are doing this on your own and you are having a hard time managing things in the next 10-15 days leading up to your start date (ie, last meal syndrome), consider pushing your start date up?  And also remember that it's not no-more-chocolate-ever-again-the-world's-supply-is-gone, it's just 30 days of you choosing to make other choices for whatever reasons you've determined are important to you.

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My sister and I are starting around that timeframe.

I can't wait super exited, it's a brand new thing for us the most we've done is give up rice, bread, and pasta for a month.

Can't wait to see where the journey takes us. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I didn't go on a bender, but I did indulge with a few things that were already open and in the house in the days before, to use them up and not feel like they were wasted. On day zero, I finished up a bag of sweet peppers, and felt like I was having a huge treat since I'm doing the AIP version.

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