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At it again! July 5th Start

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I'm back to it!  :P I think this is my 5th W30.  I love it and learn from it each time, and it's just a great reset for me.  I did one to start the year off in January, and now I'm doing one halfway through the year.  I kind of like this strategy, maybe I'll stick with it each year!  I'm dealing with a weird shoulder issue that flares up seemingly randomly, so I'm hoping getting rid of all inflammation will help.  We'll see.  


Kicking booze for a month is always a good motivator for me to take on another 30.  My social network always involves lots of alcohol-friendly events, and I enjoy having a specific reason to just not partake for a set period of time.  


So yeah!  Hoping to make some fun recipes that I haven't tried before. I cook pretty primal/paleo in general for the most part, but I do tend to get stuck in a rut and make the same things over and over. 

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Day 4 for me... it's Friday, which has notoriously been my worst day on past W30s, since I want to get in that weekend mindset of "Let's go have a drink and eat all the stuff!" mindset.  My goal this time is to find a way around that.  Maybe figuring out how to be just as excited for downtime as if I had no outside restrictions.  


I've had some good food so far.  The first night, crab legs dipped in ghee, with sautéed asparagus with lime juice.  The second night, the "tequila" lime chicken from Paleomg.  I just left out the tequila and honey and it was still awesome.  And last night, this swordfish recipe made with ghee instead of butter:




This has become one of my go-to recipes in general, and it is SO good!!  Yum yum yum.  I usually make asparagus with it, but last night I did sautéed garlic spinach.  Daytime meals are usually either a salad or whatever veggies are left in the fridge, and the pork roast from Well Fed 2 or chili.  I need to make some mayo for tuna salad on my next big cooking session, but that won't be until next week.


I've been really tired all week, but I think that's due to my insane workout schedule. I'm also doing a hot yoga challenge and 3 CrossFit classes a week.  This is not new to me, so I'm not concerned about the combo...in fact, I'm excited about fueling my workouts with an extra-great eating plan!  


Happy weekend, kids! :)

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Yay 5th Whole30 for you!


Great job with the workouts and I like your mindset about doing this every six months.  It seems that would keep me within better parameters the rest of the year.


What is it about Friday being such a great "let's unwind with a ______________ "(alcohol of choice)?  That's how we usually unwind outside in the evenings on Fridays.  Totally agree that a month without Scotch or gin and tonics is so good.  Sleep and workouts are much better without it.  It's also empowering to be out and order club soda, knowing it was MY choice.


Have an awesome weekend!

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I can relate about the Friday thing! I started last Friday, so that was no big deal. But today I've been thinking how fun it would be to take the kids out for pizza tonight. It's been in my mind all. day. long. I'm pushing through though. Hope you do too!

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Thanks ladies!  Interesting that the Friday thing is strong in others too!  I actually dreamed last night that I was talking myself into taking a couple days "off" Whole30 because I wanted to go stay at a hotel and have drinks and be able to eat what I wanted.  Boo!  I will not!  ;) On my last W30, my mantra was "It's just a month."  Because really, time goes so fast no matter how you spend it, and I'd rather do this than not do it.  Period.  


Well, Friday came and went and I was glad this morning that I stayed true to my plan. It gets a little easier each time I do this to remember that it's mind over matter, and if I miss something because of this, it's not the end of the world and I can always eat/drink/do it later.  It helps that I'm starting to have that "cleaned out" feeling that comes from the better part of a week with nothing processed or crappy in my system.  Once that feeling takes effect, I never want to ruin it by blowing it with some silly craving!  


Oh, I had this




for dinner last night. It's one of my go-to food-prep recipes.  I always make enough to have it at least twice.  It's soooo good!  And hearty.  My bf loves it. He ate every bite and was so stoked!  I use the skinny eggplants instead and make it in a casserole pan, so it's just like a big yummy pile on the plate.  And I bake it longer, so the eggplant gets soft and kind of falls apart.  


OK!  I'm off!  Thanks for the encouragement, folks!  This board is nice when you're doing this alone.  Last time I had 2 coworkers AND my mother-in-law and sis-in-law doing it with me.  My boyfriend is sort of involuntarily on it too, since I do the shopping and cooking, but it's different when he can technically break it whenever.  

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OK, my "Grrrrrrr...." attitude has kicked in today!  Trying to push through and not think too much, since I know it will pass, but man!  I don't want to eat anything I'm not supposed to, but everything is just bugging me today. I went to a new yoga studio today (I know, privileged problems) and they tried to tell me I owe money from a previous class...??? No big deal, it worked out, but then I asked which door to go in and the teacher not only told me to go in the wrong door, but there was still a class going on! What the heck?! Walking into a yoga class in progress is awkward anyway, but it was the turnaround time between classes so I almost set my mat up thinking I was late!  Why in the world would she not tell me a class was still finishing up?  She was sitting 3 feet from me as I took off my shoes and walked in the door that leads to the FRONT focal point of the room.  I just....REALLY???  So I got to take yoga for the next hour from, yup, the same girl who sent me walking into the front of the room of the wrong class.  Yoga's great for helping you get over dumb stuff luckily, I know this is nothing in the scheme of anything, but an annoyance anyway.  


Then had a nice run-in with an extremely passive-aggressive sort-of coworker that made me clench my teeth once again.  Onward....determined to be positive!  Life's too short and nothing bad is happening, that's the mantra for the rest of the day!! :)


Had some nice chili, a big yummy salad with Tessamae's balsamic dressing, and crispy zucchini for lunch.  That was delightful, and now I will have a better attitude! :)

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Day 7 for me....I feel better mood wise, just kind of wanting a drink or ritual that isn't allowed.  My boyfriend and I are both extremely busy right now, and being able to drop everything once in awhile and go grab a drink together or watch sunset with beers is a nice little break from life.  I know there are substitutes that are just fine. I just need to remember that!  


Physically feeling good for the most part. I woke up with a slight headache this morning, but it went away in a few minutes.  I usually have a "hangover day" around day 4 or 5 where I literally feel like I was drinking all night. I didn't really have that yet this time, so hopefully that minor headache was the extent of it!  Sleeping like a log too, which is one of my favorite things about W30.


Yoga every day is treating me so great!  Heading there tonight at 6.  

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Ugh, up early for yoga (Hawaii time) and dragging today...one thing I'm consistently surprised about on W30 is how much I just am truly NOT a morning person.  I always think, oh, after a week or two my body will be so clean and fresh, I'll be springing out of bed!  And some days I do, but definitely not every day.


Marinated and grilled wings last night for dinner, with sautéed asparagus.  Someone posted about some bacon wrapped scallops that sounded divine, so I think that may happen tonight. I have to do my big cooking day soon, since we have WIPED OUT the fridge!  That makes me happy though. I made healthy deliciousness enough to feed an army last Wednesday and it is nearly all gone. We still have some chili and that's about it.  


Little things:  My fave gourmet coffee that is usually really expensive was on sale yesterday and my beau bought literally a grocery bag full!  I'm stocked on the yummiest java on earth for ages!  


Happy Tuesday!  Hope everyone's having a great day! 

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OK...I've lost track of who, but some wonderful person here posted that they made bacon wrapped scallops for dinner  a few days ago, and I wanted to immediately make them that night for dinner! I made myself wait until I did my big cooking day, which was yesterday.  And last night we had them....OH MY!  That was seriously one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life. I used this recipe




Monster, insane deliciousness!  Do it!  So good!


This is Day 10.  Nice little milestone day. BF went out for beers with friends twice in the last few days, and I was barely even jealous.  I'm kind of embracing this as a social break too.  Suits my introverted nature! :)

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Day 12!  I like when it starts to get close to the halfway mark.  Plus, in two days it will be two solid weeks. 


I'm looking leaner, significantly.  I noticed it the most yesterday in yoga.  That feels really nice.  I was at Day 50 of a 100-day yoga challenge when I started W30, so I've really been taking on challenges this year.  That said, when I got on the scale the morning of Day 1, I weighed about 10 lbs more than I prefer to ever weigh.  (I'm not overweight.  It's all in the healthy range, but I want to look a certain way. I'm shallow.  Is what it is.)  Anyway, I'm starting to think the added weight was more muscle than I previously thought.  The yoga I do is pretty intense, in a heated room with lots of strength building.  Now that I'm not bloated (AT ALL. So nice!), I am seeing more definition in my shoulders, arms and back than I ever have in my life.  


I'm more curious to weigh myself after this than I've ever been in the past.  I REALLY try not to make it about weight loss, because I know it's way more important to create healthy habits for years to come than it is to quickly drop 10 lbs in a month or whatever. I think last time I lost 6 lbs, and I typically chalk most of that up to less bloating, inflammation and whatever else makes your body hold onto water, and maybe a pound or two of fat.  And I also did a 30-day hot yoga challenge concurrently with it last time as well.  Just really interested to see what my body's doing in terms of muscle.  

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Day 16!!!!  Halfway, y'all!  I'm having lunch out for the first time since starting. ???? That seems impossible. I literally don't think I've gone 16 days without some sort of eating out situation in my adult life.  Even on previous Whole30s, I always ended up eating out.  I've been loving stocking up on groceries and just eating at home.  (I do work from home, so that makes a huge difference.) The only reason I'm bothering is that an old friend I haven't seen in awhile suggested lunch.  There happens to be a new restaurant called Fork and Salad that opened up about 5 minutes from both of us, so I immediately suggested that. Already picked out my salad on their online menu because at this point I just don't want to be bothered with it. I'm not going to bring it up either. I have a real issue with being that person who's always on some weird diet, especially with someone I don't see often.  Yes, we all understand Whole30 isn't some weird diet, but it sure does sound that way to others and even sounds eating-disordery if you don't explain it well, and sometimes I don't feel like devoting enough energy/time to explain it well.  So there's that.


Still staying strong on my yoga challenge. No idea what day I'm on, must be in the high 60s.  I tried to time it so I could get it done before my trip at the end of the summer (going to Burning Man, don't judge ;))


K!  That's that!  Happy whatever day you're on!

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Day 19.  Seems like Day 10 JUST happened, and here I am almost at 20!  I feel really good.  Ready to be done though. I want a glass of wine and I want to not feel restricted.  This is nothing new, I usually feel this way on W30 at certain points.  I'm a rebel, what can I say!  :P Definitely glad I took this on, though. It's been especially good timing with my partner, who is on a weight loss journey. I think because we've been keeping our diets so clean and tight, he broke a plateau and is now down 21 lbs from when he started (before I started W30, obviously).


This week I made chili, "tequila" chicken from PaleOMG (without the tequila and honey), deviled eggs, broccoli with garlic and olive oil, pre made salads for days, tuna salad, and pork roast from Well Fed.  For dinners I'll probably add in roasted shrimp and grilled chicken wings at some point.  Also made ranch for the first time ever!  I'm from the south, RANCH DRESSIN' COUNTRY and in 5 Whole30s, I have always just lived without it until now. I always thought it would taste weird but it's delish! So yeah, I'm about to devour a massive salad with ranch!  Yum!


OK.  That's it, I think.  Feeling good and pushing onward.  Happy weekend!

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Day 21.  In a pretty good groove, I think. 9 days left and that just sounds so short, because time is flying with how busy I've been.  I have accomplished a ton in the last three weeks and it feels awesome.  That was one of my goals actually, to use this time to really focus in on getting my house organized the way I really want it. Today I tackled my office and now it looks SO nice and so much more organized.  Feels great.  


Planning a vacation for end of next month, and that makes me SO glad I've done this.  I feel like I can go on vacation and still make smart food choices while also indulging when it's worth it.  


OK!  Boom.  Off to yoga. Surprise surprise!  :)

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Day 22...I've gone into hardcore prep mode for this much-needed getaway next month.  Trying to stay present.  Stoked to have come this far!  Anniversary with boo is next week, which is why I timed W30 like I did. Can. Not. Wait.  We are taking a 4 DAY WEEKEND together.  We both work 6 or 7 days a week lately, so that is like an oasis in the desert for us.  


We are nearly done with the food I made for the week, so I'll have to do a cook sesh tomorrow or the next day.  Probably the next day.  Which will be Day 24.  Crazy!  This has flown by faster than my last one, although I know I still have a chunk of it to go.  Success so far on doing a HOT yoga class each day.  I'm doing a 100 day challenge anyway, but I was doing some of my classes online at home to give myself a little break from the heated room.  Actually, I did take one non heated class early on in W30, I think.  Anyway.  Pushing myself hard.  I took a break from CrossFit all last week but heading back today.

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Day 26!  Yesterday was the most challenging so far in terms of sticking to it.  Partly because I'm starting to get that "I'm basically done" feeling, and partly because of the events of the day.  Went swimming and sunning with some friends to a natural enclosed cove about an hour away, and they were all drinking champagne and eating all manner of junk food.  I wanted some champagne, but honestly, I was glad to not have to make food decisions because they had stuff that would have made me feel really gross, especially in a skimpy bikini!  :D I ate some snacks I'd brought along and some ham from the sandwich platter they had, and I was fine.  


Then last night, I went to an escape room activity with my bf's family.  Really fun, but of course they wanted to hit the bar first, but it was totally fine, I had a seltzer with lime and that was that.  They've done W30 in the past so they don't bat an eye at it, which is nice.  


Then we came home and ate dinner pretty late, some marinated cajun shrimp and a little veggie stir fry.  Boom!  Success.  I've socialized very little this time around, and yesterday made me remember why I've struggled more on past W30s. It is way more difficult than when you're in your own environment with full control.


OK!  That's that.  Off to yoga in a few minutes. My body is extremely sore from yoga and CrossFit, so I am going to do what I can.  Happy Saturday!

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