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R2 July 11th Start


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Day 23:


Breakfast: Chicken and Apple sausage, 2 eggs, trader joe's salsa, tomatoes, and kale.


Lunch: Mixed green salad with tomatoes, carrots, chicken and grapes.


Dinner: Steak, 1/2 a sweet potato and an apple with almond butter.


Drinks: 2 cups of coffee, water, 6 oz. of kombucha


Repeated yesterday's meals exactly...how unoriginal haha. I was pretty cranky at the end of the day. No more tiger blood for me it seems. I'm pushing through to the finish though! I'm thinking of extending this round a bit more, maybe doing it for an extra 15 days, making this a Whole45. If I can keep going, I might even attempt a Whole60. We'll see what happens!

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Day 24:


Breakfast: Chicken and Apple sausage, 2 eggs, tomatoes, and kale.


Lunch: Mixed green salad with tomatoes, carrots, steak and grapes.


Dinner: Beef burger, no bun, 1/2 a sweet potato and broccoli and cauliflower mix. 


Drinks: 2 cups of coffee, water.


Day 25: 


Breakfast: Chicken and Apple sausage, 2 eggs, tomatoes, and kale.


Lunch: 1 apple, kale, 2 eggs.


Dinner: Steak, broccoli, small sweet potato, salad, grapes. 


Drinks: 1 cup of coffee, water.


I've felt pretty good these last two days. I noticed my nails look super healthy right now and I'm resisting the urge to bite them. Win! I can't believe I'm almost on day 30...this round has flown by!

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Day 26:


Breakfast: Kale, tomatoes, 2 eggs, balsamic vinegar


Lunch: Steak, salad with tomatoes, carrots and onions, balsamic vinegar


Dinner: Epic bison bar, Apple Pie Larabar, 10 cashews, 10 almonds


Drinks: 2 cups of coffee, water, 16 oz. Mango Kombucha

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Day 27:


Breakfast: Kale, tomatoes, 2 eggs, 1/2 an avocado

Lunch: Cashews, apple pie larabar, beef hotdog with kimchi

Dinner: Venison epic bar, almonds, white potato

Snack: Raisins 

Drinks: Water, 2 cups of coffee, 16 oz. Kombucha


Day 28:


Breakfast: egg, tomato, avocado, red pepper, lettuce wrap

Lunch: Almonds, cashews, ham, grapes with almond butter

Dinner: Sausage, 1/2 a sweet potato, zucchini

Snacks: None

Drinks: Water, 2 cups of coffee



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Day 29:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, tomatoes, zuccini

Lunch: Epic bar, raisins, carrots

Dinner: steak, 1 small sweet potato, zuccini

Snack: 10 cashews

Drinks: 2 cups of coffee, water, 16 oz. Kombucha


I can't believe I only have one day left. This round really did fly by. I'll be sharing my NSV's on day 31!

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Day 30!!!

Breakfast: 2 eggs, kale, tomatoes and zuccini

Lunch: mixed green and kale salad with steak, tomatoes and onions, raisins.

Dinner: Grassfed burger with half a sweet potato, and mixed green salad.

Snack: carrots

Drinks: 2 cups of coffee, water.


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Day 31: Results

This has been my most successful Whole30 yet! 

NSV's: nails are strong and growing again and I'm doing my best to not bite them, I think I have beaten my sugar addiction as I no longer crave chocolate or other sweets and would rather have fruit instead, my skin has cleared up considerably, I am sleeping much better than before and I am waking up with more energy that lasts throughout the day.

Most importantly, I'm starting to feel good about myself again. I lost around 15 pounds this round, but have gained so much more in confidence. I also started exercising again and am trying to get in 5 miles a day with my fitbit. I hope to continue with the Whole30/Paleo lifestyle because these results are too good to throw away. I'll be switching over to the Post-Whole30 log page, so to keep up with the accountability. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and checked out my log! 

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