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Day 2 of whole 30


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Im Ariel, 21, 6 ft 5, and 330 pounds male. After finishing the whole 30 book 3 days ago I had so much motivation to start so now here i am at day 2! Im doing the program with my older brother, were around the same size. Im excited to feel better, i cant take the bloating anymore. Will post updates if i can =)

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Day 3, had some trouble getting down my whole breakfast this morning, I didn't really have an appetite. Left me hungry way before lunch. In situations like this should I snack on something? If so what and how much. My main goal is to lose weight.

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Day 3, had some trouble getting down my whole breakfast this morning, I didn't really have an appetite. Left me hungry way before lunch. In situations like this should I snack on something? If so what and how much. My main goal is to lose weight.

If you are unable to eat an entire template breakfast in one sitting, pack it up and take it with you to eat as soon as you feel able (ie, don't wait until you're hungry).  This will help correct your hormones which is what is preventing you from eating a proper meal in the morning time. If, after you have trained yourself to eat a properly sized breakfast, you find yourself hungry between meals one day or you have more than 4-5 hours in between, our recommendation would be to have a mini meal of protein, fat and vegetables or at least a combination of 2 of these.

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