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Hi, today I'm starting my Whole30! I signed up for the Whole30 Daily and as it says in the Day 1 e-mail, I am definitely "frexcited!"

After being a vegetarian for a long time (and not doing it properly), I was missing a lot of key nutrients in my diet. I have pretty strong aversions to certain very healthy vegetables (tomatoes, pickles, onions, and peppers) and don't care for a lot of others, so my whole life I've found it hard to get enough vitamins from just food. I started taking vitamins to help with this. And help they did! However, I still wasn't getting enough protein. I started eating meat (only humanely raised!) again about six months ago and this has helped a lot with getting enough protein and keeping my blood sugar steady.

The sugar dragon is also constantly battling me. I have had a strong addiction to sugar since I was little and by eating paleo off and on for the past six months, have had some success with fighting back.

By completing the Whole30, I plan to learn new recipes which help me incorporate new vegetables into my diet, steady my blood sugar, and slay the sugar dragon! (^ ^)

If is anyone is looking for a Whole30 buddy, please let me know!

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I was previously a vegetarian too and feel so much better eating Paleo/Whole 30. I love the picture of your dog. Is that an Akita?

I am enjoying trying new recipes and have added Sweet Potatoes back into my diet after not eating them for 3 years!

I started my first Whole 30 on Sept 24. I too have battled sugar cravings all my life. On this protocol, my cravings are gone and I love it! I am thinking about going longer than 30 days, especially with Halloween coming up. I am concerned because last year I ate some of my daughter's candy. Once I get started on something like that it is difficult for me to stop. We can encourage each other!

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