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Newbie and doing alone


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Hi folks, thought I'd introduce myself here.  I'm a 64 year old woman who decided to try the Whole 30.  I've been eating what I thought was a healthy diet but over the post menopause years of trying to control my weight, I realized I had gotten myself to the point that I couldn't lose any weight and if I ate even a reasonable amount of calories I gained! Plus I've been exhausted and feel bloated all the time. I heard great things about the Whole 30, read the book, and here I am on Day 7.  Would love to hear how any other newbies are doing. Im hanging in there but my digestion has been in a turmoil. It's been a long time since I've eaten this much meat/fat. I'm hoping to feel better soon and regain enough energy to feel like exercising again( swimming, walking, Pilates).  

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Hey Pamela & welcome to Whole30

If the volume of meat is new to you and you feel like you're having trouble digesting it you may want to look into taking a digestive enzyme to help you along until such times as your gut starts producing enough enzymes on it's own.

Of course it's entirely possible that something else you're eating could be causing the bloat so feel free to post a few days worth of your food intake and we can take a look to check that you're on the right track.

Re the exhaustion: are you drinking the recommended half an ounce of water per pound of body weight, daily? Are you salting your food? Are you adding fat to each meal, over and above what you're using to cook with? Are you getting enough sleep?

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Wow..  All good questions. I feel like it's all the new fat that may be upsetting my digestion so adding more seems scarey!  Actually the bloating was pre W30 and was gone by Day 5!  it's more belching, loose stool, lack of appetite that is bugging me now. I'll increase my water for sure and reread parts of the book to understand the fat thing better.  Thanks!! 

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