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New GI issues and run performance


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Pre-Whole 30, I was already a pretty healthy eater. My pantry has flaxseeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds in it, we make almost al our own foods, my kids' cookies were based on chickpeas or sweetened with bananas or dates, the weird mom who makes black bean brownies and chia pudding.  I started each day with a green smoothie packed with kale, spinach, or chard, etc  - lots of fruits, veggies, beans, brown rice, quinoa, oats, chicken, salmon, healthy fat, trail mix, a few eggs here and there - not a lot of bacon/sausage/red meat/dairy/gluten.  About four years ago, in an effort to boost my health, I did the Engine 2 diet (vegan, low fat) with Whole Foods.  It tore up my gut - all the grains, little fat to aid digestion - I developed IBS-like symptoms that got really bad over six months.  An elimination diet similar to W30 (but with no eggs, red meat, nightshades, and allowed brown rice and quinoa) cured me and I have been fine (unless I eat too much gluten or sugar or combine beans with grains, have dairy).  I decided to try a paleo -ish training diet in July/August and had an awesome triathlon a month later. It was a very casual attempt, and I still ate hummus, had some dark chocolate at night, etc. I ate rice noodles the night before the race and after not having a ton of carbs, well, it felt like rocket fuel! So I thought if 80% paleo was good, then 100% must be better and tackled the W30.  I am back with all my IBS symptoms. My runs (including today) are thwarted by frequent trips to the bathroom.  My hemorrhoids are back, I had to buy TUMS and Gas-X to keep in my purse again - days of constipation, followed by a day of the opposite (usually my running day).  I stopped the W30 on Sunday and added back in some of my other foods because I don't want to fail at my half marathon in six weeks or get really sick again.  I feel many days like i have had a burger and fries ( even though I have not) - and is grass fed beef or pork or whatever  and accompanied by lots of vegetables, it feels heavy and hard to digest.  Typical W30 days were= no pre workout meal because i take morning thyroid meds that have to be on an empty stomach, workout an hour at 5:30 a.m., home for 1-2 eggs over sweet potato hash (sometimes butternut squash or acorn squash) with spinach and maybe avocado, peppers and onions,  lunch is a salad or cucumbers/carrots/peppers/celery with beet hummus, egg or chicken salad over greens.  Dinners -  pumpkin chili (yum!) with avocado,  salmon patties with green beans and potatoes, meatballs and tomato sauce with veggies and salad,  chicken chowder one night.  I usually have a snack mid-afternoon (trail mix, an apple and almond butter) to prevent snacking later on - I tend to not eat enough early in the day and it is easy for me to snack until bedtime (one of my goals for W30 was to eat better earlier and eliminate night snacking - I am one who will gain weight while training for a race, craving carbs).    Posting here late (could not get it to add me to forums for a couple of days) but so maybe I know what to do differently the next time I try it - maybe after the race.  Thanks! 

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Hey there & welcome to the forums...

Ok, so firstly I'd definitely cut out the mid afternoon snack by building bigger meals with more fat earlier in the day, or if it's absolutely necessary out of genuine hunger rather than habit then make it something like a hard boiled egg and mayo rather than trail mix or nut butter. Nuts & their by-products are pretty hard on the digestive system especially when eaten daily.

Secondly I'd pay more attention to your veg and how they make you feel. You've had a history of IBS symptoms and it's often recommended that IBS sufferers follow a low FODMAP diet as they have  issues absorbing the different kinds of sugars in foods. Some of the veg you mention are high FODMAP and could be the root cause of your bowel problems.

Thirdly I'd look at fuelling your runs effectively. Many people find that pre-loading with carbs the day before a run is beneficial - your muscle glycogen should have big enough stores then to get you through without hitting a wall, and then you need to be sure to replenish those stores after your runs as muscle glycogen does not normalise itself on a daily basis.

Hope this is of some help.

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Ok - thanks - will see what I can do over the next six weeks. Don't plan to do W30 but will try to stick to it 80%  and work in low FODMAP foods and eliminate snacking.  I have always been a grazer so that is a hard habit to break! Appreciate it...

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