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Starting October 1st=2nd Whole30 after going off the rails big time


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January 2015 I did my first Whole30 but it caused a major flare-up in my IBS. The rest of the year was messy ending in my doing an elimination diet called Digestive Health with REAL food. Unfortunately after several months being so very strict with my diet I jumped off. I stuck with the vegetables and fruits that I had found to be safe but I started eating grains and sugar whenever I got stressed. Now I crave sweets most of the time, I'm tired all the time, I have GERD, and I have reached my highest weight ever.

I am starting Whole30 again today, October 1st to reboot my body. I plan on sticking with my safe vegetables and fruits and trying to add the low FODMAPS vegetables that I haven't already experimented with one at a time. My main goal with this Whole30 is to end my sugar addiction because I really think everything else with my health and weight will fall in line once that is gone.

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27 minutes ago, 27angel said:

I am so hungry. I ate breakfast at 7am and lunch at 11am. I worry that if I eat now I will be hungry again before bedtime at 10pm.

How often do others eat on Whole30?

Your meals should last you 4-5 hours before you're hungry again and for most people this means they eat three meals a day, plus pre- and post-workout meals if they're working out. If you have a particularly long day, you may need a fourth meal or at least a mini meal (make it protein, fat, and vegetables, or at least two of the three).  If you're truly hungry, not just eating out of boredom or habit, definitely eat.

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