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Starting 10/30 ... would love advice on meals to take to work

Busy Working Mom

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Excited to do my first Whole30 in a few weeks! 

My biggest concern at this point is all the prep that seems to be required. I am extremely busy (aren’t we all?). I work very full time out of home and I’m really concerned about the lack of “grab and go” foods. Especially for breakfast and lunch which I need to eat at work . I tend to have a little bit more time to prepare dinner. Would love advice on quicker meals! How do  you deal with all the prep required? Would love any advice. Thanks!!

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Welcome!  For lunch, my partner and I prepare protein, greens and veggies on Sunday for the whole week.  We store them separately.  Then we use Japanese bento boxes and assemble our lunches in the morning.  We end up eating the same thing pretty much every day but since I work on the road, for me that's the easiest.  I also do big batches of food on Sunday using my instant pot and freeze them to eat later in the week.  Breakfast is usually eggs and more veggies.  I vary it on weekends.

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I have something like this: http://murata.ca/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=183_86&products_id=7107

It's hard to see but it has two containers you can stack.  I used to have something like that before: https://www.lifewithoutplastic.com/store/ca/2-tier-stainless-steel-304-mini-tiffin-10-cm-4-diameter.html

Size will depend on your appetite.  We fill the biggest container with veggies and the smaller one with meat.

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Mel Joulwan, author of the Well Fed cookbooks, wrote this description of how she does a weekly cookup that might be helpful for you -- she has four weeks' worth of meal plans too that use this method, here's week 1 and it contains links to the other three weeks. 

Keep in mind for breakfast that you don't have to eat "breakfast food" -- anything that works for any other meal, will work for the first meal of the day. Sometimes people find it helpful to think in terms of Meal 1, Meal 2, and Meal 3 to remind themselves that they're all interchangeable.  So you could have eggs for breakfast -- fritattas and egg casseroles are popular make-ahead options for people who have busy mornings -- but you could also have soup or meatballs or salmon cakes, along with any kind of vegetables you like.

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Thanks @ShannonM816! The weekly prep sounds great. I'll check it out. 

 At the moment, I have a really hard time  picturing myself eating meat for breakfast. I eat a mostly vegetarian diet now with poultry just a couple of times a week and meat only on special occasions. I know I will have to eat quite a bit more meat on the whole30, but I am hoping to have eggs for breakfast, fish for lunch and meat for dinner. The idea of meat for my first meal is very unpalatable to me. :) 

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