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Starting Today 10/18


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Hi Fellow Whole30ers,

I'm starting a new round of whole30 today and posting here to state my intention and get support. I did one successful round a year and a half ago and felt amazing! I have stuck to paleo about 75% of the time since then and have attempted (but not finished) a few more rounds of whole30. The past few months have been stressful for my family for various reasons and my health is suffering because of it. I'm up about 7 pounds and feeling pretty lousy. I just started reading Food Freedom Forever and have decided it is time for a reset before things get completely out of hand for me health-wise. This week is a pretty challenging time to start as we have family visiting later this week and also will be traveling out of town for a wedding this weekend, but I can't wait for the perfect time to start because it will never happen! I will just have to bring food with me when we travel and pass on the champagne toast. I know I can do it!

Thanks in advance for all of your support. I know this forum will be an incredible resource. : )


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17 minutes ago, Heaven02 said:

Hi Laura

I am starting tomorrow.  How did you do today? Let us know how you did with your family in town. I will feel better once I have a day under my belt.

Hey thanks! Today went really well. I ate delicious food and stuck to the plan 100%. I even managed to turn down a glass of my favorite wine without too much of a struggle (kombucha in a wine glass is basically the same thing, right!?  ; )   The real struggle will be when my family gets in town tomorrow, but I know I can do it.

Good luck tomorrow! Have you done anything to prep for your first few days? 

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Glad your pre family day went well!  

I have not done anything to prep.  I just decided to do this tonight after binging on my husbands cheese.  Although my diet is already very similar to Whole 30, there are some things I am eating that I need to clean up.  And I need to work on more structure like having 3 meals a day...I have been skipping breakfast. I need to move a few things into the back room, like my amazing greens powder. And other than that I have tomorrow's meal in the fridge.  I have some salmon I can cook and I did boil some eggs and I have cabbage I can sauté but I will need to go shopping in a couple of days. I have a piece of chicken leftover so I can put a day together for tomorrow.

i am still afraid I will eat out of control, after tonight, so I will keep you posted. One meal at a time ;)

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lauraW30- I also started today.  I'm glad to hear that you did well today.  I had to pick up a few things from the grocery store today and that spurred on cravings and wants galore.  I agree that having delicious food makes a big difference in cravings.  @Heaven02 One thing that I prepped today for the next few days are egg muffins.  I have a hard enough time getting up in the mornings that I need something I can grab easily and be out the door.  I also am doing extra servings of what I prepare for dinner so I can have leftovers or freeze the extras to have an easy meal on a difficult day.

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I started on the 18th too. Also kind of spur of the moment. I've completed one other Whole30 last January and have started a couple others too but never quite finish. Yesterday, I managed to scramble some eggs and peppers for breakfast and make some curry in the crock pot for dinner yesterday so it went pretty smoothly.

This morning, I didn't have any veg to eat with my eggs, so I just had leftover curry for breakfast.

Today is my short day at work so I'm looking forward to loading up on fresh produce at the grocery. One of my favorite breakfasts is a frittata with bacon and brussel sprouts. I cook it in the cast iron skillet and get three breakfasts out of it. I never knew it, but eggs reheat really well. I might actually make it for dinner tonight then have leftovers for the next few days.

Anyways, good luck Laura with the family coming into town today. And everyone keep up the good work : )

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12 hours ago, Heaven02 said:


i am still afraid I will eat out of control, after tonight, so I will keep you posted. One meal at a time ;)

@Heaven02 One of the things that I have found to be true of the Whole30/Paleo in general is that my binge eating is much easier to control when I eliminate simple carbs/sugar and eat plenty of healthy fat at each meal. Focus on following the template and making sure you get enough to eat at each meal and I bet you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to stay on track!


@ablakevet That bacon and brussel sprouts frittata sounds so good! Sounds like we have a similar W30 history (one finished round, a few false starts). Let's do this all the way this time!


@kboe Great idea to make the egg muffins! Such an easy breakfast and so handy for getting out the door on time. I just pinned a egg muffin cup recipe from nom nom paleo that uses prosciutto and I'm going to whip up a batch to take on the road with me this weekend (thankfully the hotel room has a kitchen).


Good job everyone! Let's keep checking in. : )

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Oh man!! That summarizes my day so far.  Breakfast went well with the egg muffins but at lunch I had no desire to eat.  I may have waited a little too long before eating but now the smell of food is making me nauseous.  I couldn't finish the lunch I brought because continuing to eat was just not happening.  I don't know what I will do for dinner tonight because I have no interest in food.  Did anyone else experience anything like this?  I also had moments of feeling overheated and sweating.  On a different board some of them experienced that as well.  They offered a possible explanation of it being hormone related and trying to rebalance hormones.  Does anyone have any experience with this (specifically those who have done a previous whole 30) and if it makes sense that it could be hormone related??

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@kboe Hope you are feeling better today! I know that sometimes when I switch to paleo I can have some flu-like symptoms for a few days. I think it's pretty normal. Not sure about hormones, but that makes total sense. I have a history of having an irregular cycle, but it has been normal ever since I did my last whole30 and have stuck to paleo. 


How is everyone doing today? 

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hi ladies, not much sure if i can comment here if this is mi first time and first day of doing the whole30!! hope to be in touch and get advise from you all that have already gone through this once! today i had scrambled eggs with avocado for breakfast! do you usually snack?? cause i read on the website that only 3 meals!


sorry if my english is not that goo, im from mexico! 

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Hi Everyone,

How's everyone doing today?

I am on Day 3.  It has not been that bad.  Once i started eating more food for breakfast I started to feel more satisfied through out the day.  what a great feeling.  

I had eggs and cabbage for breakfast and kale, seaweed and leftover salmon for lunch.

Last night I cooked cabbage in bone broth and in my ninja cooker I made Kale with garlic infused coconut oil.   I just have to have alot of vegetables cooked in the fridge to be successful.  My husband grilled me some chicken thighs for dinner and I just heated  up some of my vegetables and some lettuce with a little oil and it was a great dinner.  I also had 2 small red delicious apples.  Very satisfying.

Lauraw30 I so agree with you.  I have to eat enough and make sure I am getting enough fat.  i will watch for that!

Albakavet your breakfast frittata sounds great.  i am interested in your cast iron skillet, I have been thinking about getting one.  

Kboa I hope you feel better today.  I wouldn't read too much into it.  Strange things happen to the body when we clean up our diet and change our fuel source.  I did a few years ago feel very nauseas when switching to a diet similar to this, and I think I just wasnt used to the fat in the diet.

Welcome anap!  Breakfast sounded great.  If you eat enough at each meal you will not need to snack.  Take a look at the meal template provided in the files here.  It is recommended to eat enough that you are not hungry between meals, but if you are still hungry you can have little healthy snacks from whole30 approved food.



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Hi everyone!!

thank you heaven!! Your meals sound really good, this is my second day and im feeling good, im getting a bit of a cold but besides that im excited and doing good! 

I messed a bit yesterday cause i ate like 5 cashews and after that i was reading that they should be raw nuts cause sometimes roasted nuts come with peanut oil so i went and cheked the label of my nuts and it had peanut oil so i felt bad about myself not knowing that or cheking the label carefully before, maybe im doing an extra day after i get to day 30.

today i had egg whites and 1/2 an apple sauted in ghee with some cinnamon and sprikled a bit of shredded coconut. Costo smoked pulled pork with steamed cauli and broccoli with and 1/2 an avocado and for dinner i had zucchini spaghetti with baked salmon,some olive oil and a drizzle of tahini. I was craving some frut so much but i dont know if its ok to have it with dinner or lunch. 

I noticed broccoli and cauli make me really bloated so i will probably have to stop eating them:( 

tahini is compliant fat right? 

Tomorrow i will try and do my own almond milk and mayo, hope they turn out good! 


Albakavet i've always wanted to cook a frittata, i really wanna buy a skillet to! 

Kboa i hope too you feel better today! 

Sorry if i have to many spelling mistakes, im from mexico and i don't know why my autocorrect is not working on mu phone! Buy i try to do mu best! 


Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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Nanette is great to hear you are doing good since you are ahead of us, wich mayo recipe dido you do? Im trying to do the one that is on the webcite but it has mustar powder and i couldn't find here where i live so i would have to omit it, hopw it still works ! 

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My biggest issue today is finding food that is appetizing.  I have been more drawn to bland foods which is disappointing because I have all these well seasoned dishes I was planning for.  I know my meals are not in compliance with the template but at least I'm eating compliant food, right??  Tonight I had shredded chicken I made in my crock pot using chicken broth, 3 pieces of bacon, and some mashed potatoes.  I randomly had a craving for bacon which hugely surprised me.  I know I need to be eating non-starchy veggies as well but the thought of any pushes me to the edge.  I am happy though to not be nauseous the majority of the day!  I'm going to keep plugging away with what my stomach can handle and hope my taste will return shortly.

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@anap fruit is okay with your meals. Have you seen the meal template that shows what your meals should look like?


You should be eating the whole eggs, not just the whites, and when eggs are your only protein in a meal, have as many whole eggs as you can hold in your hand, which is probably 3-4 for most people, sometimes more. Tahini is fine as long as there's nothing added to it that is off plan.

For the broccoli and cauliflower, sometimes it's just the amount you eat, so maybe you can have a little, but if you have a lot of it you notice the bloating. It can also help to make sure they're really well cooked.

For the mayo, mustard powder is just for flavoring. If you want that flavor, you could put a little actual mustard in instead of the mustard powder, or you could use different flavorings. Garlic is good, herbs like dill, parsley, chives and tarragon can make it taste more like ranch dressing, you can even add hot sauce or sriracha for a spicy mayo.

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Thank you shannon that sounds great,i have seen the template, but didn't know about the amount of eggs and that they should be the whole egg, is it ok if i cook them with some ghee or coconut oil eventhough im eating the yolks? Some times i worry of eating or adding more fat when the food im eating already has some like salmon or the smoked pulled pork from costo i had for lunch today, it had some fat and i has a bit of avocado with it. 

The tahini label says 100% sesame seeds.

thank you for those mayo suggestions haven't thought about them, i will for sure try to make one of those tomorrow. 

I couldn't find any coconut milk or cream that was compliant, bit sad about it,and amazon doesn't ship those to mexico :( 


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Sounds like everyone is moving along pretty well!

It's very early in the morning on Day 5 here for me and I'm reading the forum before I make some sausage and peppers with eggs for breakfast. My favorite thing so far is that I've been waking up before the alarm without any need to snooze. That's a huge change from a week ago!

@Heaven02I agree. Having pre-made veg or even whole meals really helps me keep on track. Sometimes when I get home from work, anything more than coking up a protein seems almost impossible!

@anapI think I might try mayo this weekend too! I have all the ingredients (I was thinking about making a spicy chipotle one as I don't really like the taste of regular mayo) but the whole thing makes me so nervous! Sorry you can't find compliant coconut milk in Mexico. Do you ever shop on Amazon? I use it for everything and I've bought compliant coconut milk there before for a pretty reasonable price.

Also, I highly recommend you both get a cast iron skillet. It takes a little while to get used to but once it's seasoned properly, it's amazing! I use it for cooking almost everything.

@kboeSorry to hear you are struggling a bit. Hopefully with the weekend and a few more days under your belt, your appetite and taste buds will return. But bacon is never a bad idea : )

@lauraW30Hope your time with your family is going well and you aren't having too much trouble staying on track!

My goal for the weekend is to get moving a little bit more. I had been running (very slowly) a little before I started. I've been taking it easy this week, just letting my body adjust, but I'd like to get out and at least take the dog for a long walk.

Good luck everyone and enjoy your weekend : )

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Hey everyone! I was traveling yesterday and unable to check in, but I did stick to the plan. I also packed food for the hotel, but woke up this morning to find that my husband ate half of it for his midnight snack after coming back from a family party. <_< I took my kids down to the continental breakfast, where they feasted on waffles and ate their weight in bacon. I was tempted to snack on it, but I know there is no way in heck that the hotel bacon is compliant. I had a hardboiled egg (planned for 3, but he ate 2 of them...), grapes, black olives, almonds, and coffee with coconut milk. I brought some lara bars and epic meat bars with me for emergency if I can't find anything compliant for lunch or dinner. I'm hoping to find a chipotle somewhere nearby because I read the carnitas are compliant. Also hoping to hit the hotel gym at some point. 


@kboe - Good job staying compliant with all of your stomach issues. Hang in there and I'm sure you're appetite will return soon!

@ablakevet - I had sausage and peppers for dinner last night! Never though of having some with eggs for breakfast. Sounds so good!

@anap - The homemade mayo recipe from the W30 book is my favorite. Perhaps you can order mustard powder online? If not, I agree with @ShannonM816. Add some regular mustard or some herbs for flavoring. 

@Heaven02 - Everything you ate yesterday sounds amazing. I need to make some bone broth soon!

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22 hours ago, anap said:

Thank you shannon that sounds great,i have seen the template, but didn't know about the amount of eggs and that they should be the whole egg, is it ok if i cook them with some ghee or coconut oil eventhough im eating the yolks? Some times i worry of eating or adding more fat when the food im eating already has some like salmon or the smoked pulled pork from costo i had for lunch today, it had some fat and i has a bit of avocado with it. 


Yes, it's fine to cook your eggs in whatever oil you prefer even if you eat the yolks. Healthy fats are good for you -- they're good for skin and hair and for your brain. They also help keep you satisfied between meals. In general, you're unlikely to overeat fats if you're eating it with your meals -- when they're in the form of natural foods and combined with protein and vegetables, your body tends to know when it is satisfied so you stop eating.

Your meals should be keeping you satisfied 4-5 hours at a time. If you are hungry after a couple of hours, your meals aren't big enough. If you're regularly going 7-8 hours without feeling any hunger, then you might be having a little too much at a meal.


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