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First day of the rest of my life!


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Hi guys, I started my whole30 today, I have such a sweet tooth, I'm so addicted to sugar. So I'm really excited to start this program. I'm nervous that I might slip back into my old habits, the meal planning it's what I think I'm gonna struggle the most. And my cravings.... oh my the more I think about it the more i get nervous about it. I for once, gonna give it my all for this diet. (I have never actually Finished a diet) 

do you guys have any suggestions or ideas on how to make this easier. Also an easy way to know how something is whole30 or not. Having a hard time at the grocery store trying to read labels and deciding. 

Thank you so much in advance. I'm super excited to be part of this community.



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For meal planning, I don't so much plan out every meal, as try to cook enough on Sunday that I have a fridge full of food to just grab and reheat all week. Take a look at this description and see if it might make sense for you.

For label reading, it's really easiest if you buy mostly stuff that doesn't need a label -- fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh raw meats, etc. When you do read a label, look first for the big things mentioned in the rules -- MSG, sulfites (anything that ends in sulfite or sulphite -- often "metabasulfite"), sugar/sweeteners. For specific things sugar/sweeteners might be called, check this list. This list has a list of some of the most common additives.

If you buy frozen vegetables, remember to check for sauces (I've never seen any that included sauces that are compliant) and also for corn (even baby corn) or peas, as those are common in mixed vegetables and are not compliant. Dried fruits and canned coconut milk often contain sulfites. Canned tuna often contains soy. Commercially made mayo and salad dressings often contain sweeteners. Plain yellow mustard is usually compliant, but double check, but if you want a dijon mustard, it can be hard to find any that doesn't have wine, although it does exist -- you may just have to read through quite a few labels.


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Thank you for replying Shannon. I appreciate you take the time to answer some of my questions... it helps a lot. Another big question I have, do I have to buy everything organic? Like fruits and vegetables??? Also if grass feed meat required as well??? I don't think I can afford to buy everything organic. Even eggs are so expensive when they have the organic label on it. 

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1 hour ago, Katenoya said:

Thank you for replying Shannon. I appreciate you take the time to answer some of my questions... it helps a lot. Another big question I have, do I have to buy everything organic? Like fruits and vegetables??? Also if grass feed meat required as well??? I don't think I can afford to buy everything organic. Even eggs are so expensive when they have the organic label on it. 

No, you don't have to buy everything organic or grass fed. If you can, great, if not, don't worry about it. 

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