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Reintroduction is tricky


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I did the Whole30 from October 17th and finished about 10 days ago.  I seem to be having problems with reintroducing foods.  I started with legumes as suggested in the book and that wasn't a problem.  Then I had gluten free oatmeal one morning..and then rice that evening..  So now I seem to have introduced legumes and some grains.  I still haven't introduced dairy or sweeteners..  I feel unsure how to proceed.  

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Wait a couple of days after your rice and oatmeal day (those are non-gluten grains), then have a day at some point with whatever dairy you think you might want to have occasionally -- some milk or cheese or yogurt with each meal. Wait at least two more days, going back to Whole30 foods, and then have a day with gluten-containing grains if you want (wheat is the most common of these, or rye -- look for bread or pasta or something like a soup with barley. For sweeteners, you could sweeten your tea or coffee, or make yourself a swypo/paleo treat type of thing where all the other ingredients are Whole30 except for added sweetener. If you just want to keep eating Whole30 for a while, you can spread your reintroductions out more, but it really is worth doing, just to know if you do have any kind of immediate reaction to anything, so you know if you want to avoid those things in the future. You might be interested in the Slow Roll Reintroduction.

Do you have specific questions? What's making you unsure about moving forward?

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