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I've finished my first WHOLE30 and today I reintroduced dairy. So far I had regular milk in my coffee this morning, I felt "slightly" gurgly but not truly bothersome. For lunch I included sour cream, 20 minutes after my meal, I headed straight to the restroom. I'm not sure why the milk in my coffee this morning didn't make my body react the way sour cream did???Here are pics of the ingredients. Can someone offer any feedback??  


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It's hard to say -- it could be that a little dairy in the milk was okay, but having the sour cream too was too much. Or it could be the other ingredients in the sour cream -- the carrageenan possibly, or maybe the corn starch. Go back to Whole30 eating for at least two days, or longer if you're still not feeling quite right at that point, and then at some point in your reintroductions, you can try dairy again, but look for items that don't have extra ingredients. (Full fat versions are less likely to have added stuff than low-fat or fat-free versions, just FYI.) Also pay attention to other items you have that have carrageenan or corn starch and see how you react to those.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On Sunday, December 04, 2016 at 5:22 PM, RosesRred said:

I've finished my first WHOLE30 and today I reintroduced dairy. So far I had regular milk in my coffee this morning, I felt "slightly" gurgly but not truly bothersome. For lunch I included sour cream, 20 minutes after my meal, I headed straight to the restroom. I'm not sure why the milk in my coffee this morning didn't make my body react the way sour cream did???Here are pics of the ingredients. Can someone offer any feedback??  


Maybe it was a cumulative affect? Especially since you mention that you felt it a bit after just a little milk in your coffee.

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