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Help to create a W30 compliant meal

Ana Monica

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@Ana Monica: Follow the template and you'll nourish yourself and feel satisfied for at least 4-5 hours. 

That means your meal is very light on protein. When eggs are your only protein, you need as many as you can hold in your hand. (Generally, 3-4). 

Then you should aim for 1-3 cups of vegetables, so I'd double the asparagus or add another veggie (think of filling the rest of your plate, after the protein,  with veggies. 

As to fat, it's hard to tell but if that's just mashed avocado the recommendation is 1-2 thumbs or 1/2 to 1 avocado. 

I'm not sure what the seeds are on your avocado, but watch the seeds and nuts. They are not the best fat choice.

The template is here:



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Thank your for answer me.

I'm taking baby steps on portions,  besides template (love that hands) because I have a stomach issue, and I can't eat to much food at once.

My primary concern is about quality.  Tomato, 1/4 avocado, aspargus, egg... Do I miss any nutrient in here? An sesame seeds I used to add im my meals because they provide calcium. So I don't have to take pills to suplement it (i hope).

How about this other plate? What protein do u suggest to add in here? Nuts, strawberry,  orange.... ( yes,, there are vitamins in fruits, better than pills to...)



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@Ana Monica: Nuts are notorious for causing digestive issues and fruits should be eaten sparingly, and should never crowd vegetables off the plate. 

You will get plenty of calcium from your vegetables.

If you find that you can't eat your entire meal, eat "around the plate" then put it aside and see if you can eat more later. 

But, and I can't emphasize this enough, start with your proteins, veggies and high quality fats. 

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