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My husband and I are officially starting on Monday, January 9th. I signed up for the Januarywhole30 and was supposed to start today, but I'm just not prepared. I'd rather push it back a few days. I can eat anything and have no worries about cheating or giving in. However, preparing is my enemy.  When I get overwhelmed, something doesn't get done and it's usually that. So, I'm excited to get rid of some bad habits and get us on the path to good health. :)

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HI @lynndee - good choice on making sure you're ready before you start. I hope by "I can eat anything and have no worries about cheating or giving in" doesn't mean you're planning a pre-Whole30 shakedown sugar party?! How much adjustment you are going to go through at the start of your Whole30 is directly related to how far from Whole30 your eating is in the days before. The closer you can come now to Whole30, the easier time you'll have of it once you officially get going. :) 

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9 minutes ago, ladyshanny said:

HI @lynndee - good choice on making sure you're ready before you start. I hope by "I can eat anything and have no worries about cheating or giving in" doesn't mean you're planning a pre-Whole30 shakedown sugar party?! How much adjustment you are going to go through at the start of your Whole30 is directly related to how far from Whole30 your eating is in the days before. The closer you can come now to Whole30, the easier time you'll have of it once you officially get going. :) 

Hi @ladyshanny, No, I didn't mean that with my statement. LOL Although my husband is not changing until the day of. I just meant that I don't have a problem eating healthy foods and when I'm determined, it's easier for me to stick with something. (I've never done whole30 though so I may be challenged, who knows?)  I have been slowly changing what I can. Tonight will be a whole30 meal, for example.  I can't go crazy with the sugar anyway. One of the reasons I'm doing this is because of the symptoms that comes after I eat and not just sugar. I don't feel well at all most of the time I eat. I also started cutting back on the stevia and creamer in my coffee about a week ago. It's almost totally black already. :/ Not fun, but doable. LOL It's my strongest addiction. Breakfast is also really hard for me.  

Thank you for the help! :) 

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OK, @lynndee - glad to hear it! Breakfast can be a tough one for a lot of people, you aren't alone. Not wanting breakfast, feeling nauseated by food or feeling ill after eating that first meal is a classic sign that your hormones are not balanced. The only way through that is.....through it. Make a template meal and eat as much of it as you can from all the food groups (protein, fat and veggie). If you can't eat the whole thing, pack it up and take it with you to eat as soon as you feel able (ie, don't wait until you're hungry, just when you feel you could actually eat it). Eventually your body will learn that food is good, especially in the morning. :) Don't be discouraged either, this takes some time but most people who have had to work through this report that it improves in the first week or two. 

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5 minutes ago, ladyshanny said:

OK, @lynndee - glad to hear it! Breakfast can be a tough one for a lot of people, you aren't alone. Not wanting breakfast, feeling nauseated by food or feeling ill after eating that first meal is a classic sign that your hormones are not balanced. The only way through that is.....through it. Make a template meal and eat as much of it as you can from all the food groups (protein, fat and veggie). If you can't eat the whole thing, pack it up and take it with you to eat as soon as you feel able (ie, don't wait until you're hungry, just when you feel you could actually eat it). Eventually your body will learn that food is good, especially in the morning. :) Don't be discouraged either, this takes some time but most people who have had to work through this report that it improves in the first week or two. 

Ok...I hadn't yet learned the part about saving and eating it as soon as you can. Interesting. I will try it! Hopefully tomorrow. Breakfast is something I hadn't eased myself into yet. :/ Good info!

Thank you! :)

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I seem to be right on point with the timeline today.  I want to quit!  I don't feel better, in fact worse.  But it's probably the antibiotics I'm on right now.  I had the luxury of listening to my body and taking a nap!  Still tired, but it's almost dinner. Leftover night. ;-).  Tomorrow will be better I hope.

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