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My husband and I are on Day 16 of our Whole30.  One of the reasons we've done this is to make better food choices.  My husband is a HUGE snacker and loved to previously gravitate towards easy, aka unhealthy, snack foods.  He would rather snack and graze throughout the day than sit down and eat.  I have tried to break him of this habit as I have been cooking up a storm with breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to be at the ready for him.  He still, to my frustration, has been leaving the meals in the fridge and prefers to stick to snacks (until he is allowed his grains/cereals post Whole30) until mid-day when things like eggs and meat don't seem "so offensive to my stomach."  And if I have to cook more than I already am for this diet, I'm going to scream.

So his day has been looking like this... snacks through the day consisting of pecans, walnuts, almonds, then fruit like strawberries and bananas with some almond butter to get some more protein in and then a big dinner of whatever I have cooked.  Finally, last week he did start eating some of the lunches I left, like the Cold Thai Salad in the Whole30 book mixed with pork and chicken cubes.

Over the past week, he has developed bruising and now has a bit of a shiner on his lip.  Is this the result of way too many nuts?  Or is this malnutrition (b/c his eating breakfasts is nonexistent)?  We're trying to figure out if anything from the diet is contributing or whether we should be adding anything other than my typical admonition to "eat!  period!"  I plan to incorporate some more greens in our diet this week to get some more Vitamin K onboard but wasn't sure if there was anything else I should be doing.

Anyone else experience problems with bruising?  Any tips?


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Unexplained bruising is cause to go to the doctor.  It's possible that it's due to something he's eating but it's also possible that it's not... I doubt it's 'malnutrition' based on what you've described him as eating... it may not be ideal, but he's eating and symptoms of malnutrition would take time to show up.

Please see a doctor. No one here can tell you if eating more greens is going to help.

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