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Marlene K

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Hello Everyone,

I just heard about Whole 30 at a party Saturday night.  An entire family did Whole 30 before the holidays and were very excited talking about it.  I had just been to the doctor on Thursday.  I have arthritis pain, it may be rheumatoid.  The doctor told me to monitor what I am eating to see if any foods make the pain worse.  So after hearing about Whole 30....I guess I am meant to try this.  My husband and I have been traveling a lot since we retired a couple years ago.  I need to have this pain go away as it hampers my mobility and mood!  I have ordered the Whole 30 book.  It should arrive tomorrow or the next day.  What are your most valuable tips on prepping.  I will probably mostly be doing this on my own.  I haven't set the date yet as I need to figure out what all I have to do to prep.

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Hi, @Marlene K -- I've moved your topic, I think more people will see it and respond here than in the Log section where it was.

If you go to the main Whole30.com page and click on What is the Whole30 you'll find an explanation of the rules and other information that'll be helpful.

For prepping, I do something like the weekly cookup explained here. Basically, I cook some proteins, and some vegetables, and make some sauces or dips, and then can mix and match them throughout the week.

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