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Accountability and Focus


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Hi Folks,

I have tried to embark on the Whole30 journey several times only to fall off because of stress, lack of prep or not being kept accountable. Can someone tell me how you keep yourselves accountable? What keeps you focused to get through the month ? 


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I read and re-read the blurb about how Whole30 isn't hard, compared to battling cancer or something like that. It does take will power, and you don't always want to do it. For me, it's a matter of doing it or quitting. I don't consider myself a quitter, so I know that if I decide to stop before 30 days, I'm quitting. I tend to look at blocks of 5 days, and I'm always happy to hit those milestones. Do things to keep yourself busy. Currently on day 27! I had very strong feelings of quitting around days 11-13 (around my birthday), but pushed through and got past it. I compare it to hitting a wall while you're exercising. Once you push through and get past those walls, you have a real sense of pride and accomplishment. This is my 3rd Whole30 and the feeling you get on day 30 is so strong and positive, it's really worth it!!

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I use my imagination and music.  I've always been able to find good feelings with music and fall completely into it like a swimming pool.  Immerse yourself into something that you enjoy and do all of it on your own terms.

Some people authentically like going to the gym. It's their sanctuary. Others prefer walking out their front door and not coming back until they're ready. Some enjoy a knitting circle of friends or singing in a choir, art class or dancing.  Find that thing that really floats your boat while you're tooling along.

Start a log. You don't have to log your food but you can write yourself into accountability. 

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