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Trina Jackson

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For the last few days I have had all the hallmarks of starting my period. I should not be starting for another 10 days or so. I am on day 21 and not sure if this is just a part of adjusting. I really hate feeling so moody all the time. I have to keep reminding myself that people aren't really more annoying than usual, it's just me. Lol! Anyone else had this experience?

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I have been feeling moody/crabby/sad for the last several days as well. I'm chalking it up to needing some extra time for sugar detox, and I'm going to extend my January Whole30 into a WholeFebruary and see how things go. Some people have recommended adding some carbs (such as sweet potato, potato, or winter squash). You might try that and see if you feel better. If that doesn't help, or if you're afraid that might make you crave sweets, then I'll bet some of the moderators will jump in to troubleshoot if you post a few days' worth of your meals for them to take a look at. Hope you feel better soon! 

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It's actually not tha uncommon for an early period during Whole30 as the hormones adjust - if you search Google for the term 'Whole30 early period' you should come up with links to lots of previous discussions on the matter.

That said, what do your meals look like? Are you including a fist sized serving of starchy veg daily? Are you getting enough fat?

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I usually have 3 eggs with spinach and avocado for breakfast. Lunch is always leftovers from dinner the night before. Protein, fat and lots of veggies. Today was Turkey Tikka Masala with cauliflower rice.  I don't have carbs everyday. I did this morning we had sweet potato hash with eggs. I will try and up my carb intake. It's not that I am afraid to eat carbs I just don't really want them. I will work harder to include them. I do think it is a hormonal issue because my period symptoms are definitely ramping up. I will go on and research that thread. Thanks for the advice!

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