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Whole 30 and not enough calories


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Wow reading this resurrected post just made me remember obsessively counting calories like a madwoman before my first Whole30. And now I'M FREEEEEEE!!!!!!! Best feeling ever, and guess what, my body's perfectly capable of working things out for itself without MFP and such.

So to all those struggling with letting go of the counting - DO IT! It's so so worth it. And nothing terrible will happen ;)

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I am terrified that if I stop counting I am going to gain weight. I am down about 40 lbs and have another 50 or 60 to go. I think my biggest fear is stepping on the scale and being back over 200 lbs. I need to let go of that and listen to my body. So this morning I had breakfast and didn't track it. I had coconut milk in my coffee (um, YUM! Can't believe I hadn't tried this sooner!) and next on the agenda is a cardio workout. We will see how it goes, but I do look forward to being able to have my time back from having to fill out MFP after every single meal. I want the freedom that comes with Whole30, I'm just terrified it won't work for me...which is just plain silly, but there it is.

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In the past, I've struggled with deprivation/over-eating, so one of the miracles of my 1st Whole30 is being able to go easily from one meal to another without endless snacking. The other day I told my boyfriend, a skeptic, that even if the only thing that came from this was freedom from chronic hunger, I'd be happy.

I've been eating 2 palm-size servings of protein at most of my meals, and usually 2 thumb-sized servings of fat. But, this is nothing compared to the 500 calories per night I used to have from wine or mixed drinks. Or the handfuls of "sesame stix" leftover in my kids' lunches. Or the pizza crusts I ate off their plates!

I eat until I am satisfied and then I don't eat again for 4-5 hours. And it's been almost effortless!

Eat more!!!

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