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Loss of Appetite


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Hi all,

I'm into Day 9 of my first Whole30 experience. Starting yesterday, I've been experiencing a loss of appetite. I eat three meals a day, but it feels uncomfortable, like I'm just forcing myself in order to get my required calories / nutritional intake. I've experienced similar when cutting out added sugar and salt in the past (both appetite stimulants). Is this typical at this stage of the program? Has anyone else had this side effect?

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I had this symptom during my first W30- loss of appetite plus nausea when I forced myself to eat.  It's uncomfortable, but you should try to make sure you get as much of a complete meal as you can.  Eat little bites of everything and go slow.  Just some words of encouragement, for me it passed about halfway through my first W30 and didn't occur at all for my second W30.  

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will chime in, but I seem to recall some discussion that this could be a symptom of your hormones balancing out.  Good luck!

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