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Feeling overfed and disappointed

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I'm on day 5 of my whole30 and I'm disappointed and annoyed at how obsessed with food I've become. I'm eating more food than ever before--much more than before this diet. I'm also eating when I'm not even hungry, because I have all this pre-prepared food and the clock says it's lunch or dinner time. I can't keep going like this, my body feels out of whack and way overfed. Please help!

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Just finished my third Whole30, and each time I do it, I forget how much I think about food for the first week or two. Various reasons: cravings, which will go away; and meal planning, to make sure I have enough food ready ahead of time so I can pack a compliant lunch or eat dinner shortly after I get home. The feeling of being obsessed with food should subside as you get into a rhythm that works for you.  

If you can, consider freezing some of the food you've made, so you don't feel like you have to eat everything before it spoils. 

The moderators here are great at troubleshooting various issues that come up on the program. Feeling out of whack is pretty common. If you're feeling overfed, it might help to check your meals against the meal template, and post a couple of days' worth of meals so they can make suggestions for you.

You might already know this stuff, so ignore what you don't need. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Whole30 Timeline: http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/

Whole30 Meal Planning Template: http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

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Stacey--thank you so much for the thorough reply! While "stop the food prep" seems like a simple solution, it's more of the food prep in my mind and constant thinking about food that is the bigger issue. It's hopeful to hear that you shared my same experience and that the food obsession will subside. I'll make sure to get the meal template up on my fridge and check my meals more carefully against it. Thank you again!

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Amanda - you're welcome!

Something else that might help: find a way to get the planning out of your brain and onto a piece of paper (or a computer screen). I sat down with a pen and paper and wrote out what I planned to eat at each meal for the week based on what was in the fridge/freezer or what I found on sale at the grocery store. It helped ease some of the "monkey mind" I had going on around my food. :) 

You could also subscribe to something like RealPlans with the Whole30 option (they also have NomNomPaleo and WellFed add-ons), but it's not required.

Keep us posted on how you're doing. You've got this! 

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