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Trouble finding Whole30 compliant ground pork

Liv's Mom

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I have been searching high and low for Whole30 compliant ground pork.  Most of them have added sugar so I've stayed away.  i did find Johnsonville ground pork that says it has "natural sugar" in the ingredients and it was one of the last ingredients.  I'm assuming this is not allowed but wanted to check with the forum to see what others have used!  Thanks in advance!

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Hi @Liv's Mom! Sausage is always tricky, I've not found any that's compliant either because of sugar or MSG. I have found plain old ground pork at Kroger, though, both in the conventional and the green meat section, and I'm fairly certain I've found it at Target. Check near the pork chops rather than the sausage/bacon, if you haven't already.

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You're better off going to a butcher... if that's not an option, a big grocery store... in the same section as ground beef they should have plain ground pork... I've never had a problem finding it but if it's pre-packaged by a name brand company, it probably has crap in it... you're looking for the fresh clump of ground meat that is on a styro bottom with saran wrapping and a store applied sticker... if you can find that, it will just be plain ground pork.

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