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Day 31 and feeling like a failure


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Today is day 31 and it was a tough day. My son ended up in the hospital with the flu (thankfully it was just that, it seemed like it was something more) so I ended up binging on some chocolate I had been saving since Valentines Day. I feel like such a failure!! My sugar cravings had completely subsided so I have no clue where this came from. How should I go about doing a reintro? 

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You're not a failure. You're a human being going through a stressful situation, who reacted in a way that is probably a longstanding habit -- reaching for comfort foods. There are also some studies out there that suggest that some foods, especially sugary, fatty foods like chocolate, trigger feel-good responses in the brain in the same way that drugs do, which makes this habit even harder to break. You want to feel good, and your body knows that eating chocolate makes you (temporarily) feel better. It is absolutely normal to reach for chocolate, especially if that's how you've dealt with stress in the past, and it takes a lot of work to learn to react in new and different ways in these situations.

Go back to Whole30 for a while. Two days minimum, but if it were me, I'd try to stick with it until you're feeling better and are sure you aren't having sugar cravings, and then do your reintroductions. I don't know what all was in the candy you ate -- at a minimum, sugar and dairy, probably soy since it's hard to find chocolate without soy lecithin in it, and maybe other things too, so it may not be a perfect reintroduction, but it should get you some information.


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