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Day 31: ingredients or major food groups


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Today is my first day of reintroduction and I'm just not certain where to start. Whole30 has eliminated many of my cravings, however there are things I can think of reintroducing, but I'm just not sure where to start. I'm wondering if I should be more focused on isolating major food groups or pay close attention to ingredients.

Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday and we're going out to brunch. I will have no idea what ingredients are in the foods, or what oils the foods are cooked in. I was thinking I would order the veggie scramble with Brussel sprouts, parsnip, mushrooms, and gruyere, pine nuts, arugula, and fingerlings. I was thinking I would ask them to hold the pine nuts and start with introducing diary tomorrow. Should I be concerned with what oils or other ingredients are in the food? If I go back to eating my favorite turkey but know that sugar is one of the ingredients, would that day be my reintroduction to sugar? What’s more important focusing on the major food groups or staying 100% whole30 compliant except for one item at meals?

My husband has AS and he hasn’t needed his medication! This learning opportunity is major for me and I want to take advantage of it the best way possible. I never thought I would be able to convince him to eliminate foods like this. What a valuable food experiment this has been!

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If you want to gain as much information as possible from this experiment then I'd suggest ingredients. Every single thing you put in your mouth will have a negative or a positive impact, and if you go ahead tomorrow & start with dairy, but they're using peanut oil at the restaurant and you go on to break out in a rash, or have respiratory or gastric issues how will you know which it was?

Go and enjoy your meal, but just keep asking the questions....!!

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