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Pale poop

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My husband and I are on Day 8 of Whole 30 and both have exceptionally pale poop.  We're still eating plenty of meat (beef, chicken, pork) so don't think it's an iron issue.  Has anyone else run into this?

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Are you eating enough green vegetables? When I eat too much protein and "white" veggies like potatoes, things don't look as dark as usual.

However, it could also indicate a biliary system blockage if it's white. Try to increase your colorful vegetable intake and see if it makes a difference after a day or so. If it's really concerning, go see a healthcare provider.

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Thank you for the input.  We'll up the green vegetables.  Have looked at the biliary side of things online, but it would seem odd that both of us have developed issues with that at the same time.  It seems to be getting better BTW.

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