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New to Whole30


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Hello All,

It's a long time coming.  My partner Joe and I are starting this together.  I have a very busy schedule between part time job and full time student.  We are well past our mid 40's and we are giving this a real try.  We both have a few health issues and we have been saying it's time to get healthier.  We were on the treadmills at the Community Center when we watched Dr. Oz talk about the Whole30.  I have not tried any other diet but have given up sugar for 30 days.  

Menu for the week is planned. Grocery shopping tomorrow. Meal prep tomorrow evening.

I was wondering if there were many other folks here who are in our age group?  

I know we all can do this! I know it won't be easy. But we are all made from sterner stuff. I have faith in all of us!!

Cyn and Joe

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Hi @CynandJoe  I think I might be in your age group (although I like to think that 50 is the new 30!).  I am on Day 2 of W30 no. 4.  Really needed a reset after sugar surge and feeling awful.  No two W30's are alike so I find I learn all sorts of different lessons along the way.  Off to do my weekly meal prep so I have healthy lunches.  I tend to roast up lots of veggies with compliant chicken sausage and that will be the base for lunch throughout the week.  Add in some avocado and home made mayo ...  Good luck on your journey.  It's definitely open and relevant for all ages!!

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