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Hi Everyone!

I'm from Argentina and probably one of the first to do a Whole30 here :) 

I'm on day 8 but I think I made a huge mistake... I had for breakfast a recipe called "Breakfast Pumpkin Custard", made of eggs, banana, pumpkin, coconut milk and pecans.

Is it SWYPO??? Should I start over :o :wacko:


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That is SWYPO and not permitted but as long as you didn't include any off-plan ingredients, your reset is still alright. No need to restart. Just be cognizant of the fakey-stuff going forward. :) 

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@angiej936 - SWYPO is a goofy acronym for "Sex with your pants on" which basically means recreating non-compliant items (like pudding, oatmeal, brownies, muffins, tortillas etc) with fully compliant ingredients. The concoction that the original poster made was an attempt to simulate a custard/pudding type thing for breakfast. Not only is it against the rules, it doesn't actually fit with the recommended meal template so is not really doing you/her any favours. :) 

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