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Mom of 2 with a need to stay committed! Day 1.


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Hi everyone! My name is Christie and I am a stay at home mom of 2 little boys ages 3 and 1. Since the birth of my second son, I have been suffering with dizziness and migraines. All of the tests I have been put through to try and figure out the cause of the problem have come back clean, so I decided to try to change my lifestyle and see if it helps. My general worry is just the amount of prep work and forethought needed to stay committed with two very active little boys under foot. I REALLY want and need to do this, so I just need to stay motivated!! Day 1 is already underway!

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Good luck, Kelly! Find a day that you have the most downtime (I find this to be Sundays for me...but with kids, I'm guessing weekends could actually be MORE hectic than during the week), and just bang out all of your prep work in one fell swoop. Chop veggies for the week for cooking and for snacks. Plan your meals for the week and get all the shopping done once. I even make meals for the rest of the week that day, but your mileage may vary based on your available time. Keeping plenty of good food choices in your house will definitely set yourself up for success!

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Hi! I also have two young boys ages 6 and 2. Meal planning and food prep has been key for me. I definitely need to make more full meals on the weekends and freeze. It is just so draining to be scrambling in the kitchen with the kids underfoot and demanding ME! Right now things are being kept pretty simple most days (burgers, chicken, eggs) and I experiement with one completely new (to me) recipe once or twice a week. I enjoy cooking, just not while playing peacekeeper at the same time.

Interestingly, I also have migraines and vertigo. My vertigo is remnant from a horrid episode of shingles in my EAR (Ramsey Hunt syndrome). My migraines definitely have food triggers, sugar being high on the list. I am doing this for overall health and weight loss, but I am curious to see if I see a reduction in vertigo and headaches as well. Already my sleep is notably better, and so is that of my 3 year old! I took him off dairy as well and boy, he can sleep!

Hope your first day is going well!

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Hi Kelly! I also suffer from migraines, usually 3-4 times a month and I haven't had a migraine while on my whole30 BUT I have had horrible headaches, especially the first 5-7 days or so! Keep up the good work, eat lots of green veggies (carbs) with every meal and drink tons of water to prevent the headaches. That is what I do :)

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I'm a stay at home mom, too, and that's a big task to run after two very little ones. I make my life easier by bulk cooking stuff whenever I can. Firing up the grill? Then cook 5 days worth of meat at once. I make double batches of dinner often, crock pot meals, roast whole turkeys... anything that I can do to make more food at one time.

But, we have our weeks (or months) where life is just too crazy to even bulk cook. Little ones have that awesome ability to suddenly fighting every nap, bedtime, meal, diaper change... you surely know. For those times, I have my quick 15-20 minute meals. I make skillet salmon (3 minutes a side, cooked in coconut oil), kale chips (15 minutes in the oven) and some fruit or microwaved sweet potato. This can be switched out with multiple meats (burgers, pork chops, steak...) and veggies (broiler asparagus, zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots, broccoli...). I can make these meals even when my daughter is clinging to my apron, screaming at the top of her lungs the entire time. And, that has happened more than once! Heck, I've done this while two toddlers were fighting and climbing all over the kitchen, and a third baby was teething miserably on the floor.

And, isn't that better than migraines?

Your situation does sound similar to something I went through that led to the discovery that I was allergic to dairy. It was like night and day when I stopped taking in dairy - no more vertigo, migraines, and I had IBS that was also cured by quitting dairy. I hope you find your solution, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is a food sensitivity.

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On day 9 and feeling FANTASTIC!! When I began my whole30 I was having a migraine every other day and waking up with at least a small headache every single morning....I am so happy to say that I havent had a single headache of any kind since day 2!!!! This is like a whole new world for me! Its getting easier and easier with clearer results every day!

The only slight issue I am having is losing weight. I know some people dont see it as a problem, but I am 5'7 and 100lbs (underweight) and since starting have lost about 6lbs. (I know we're not supposed to weigh, but I could tell I was losing and I dont want that to happen). I really really dont want to lose any more weight. Any suggestions?

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So happy to hear you're doing well! Especially the migraine improvement. That's such a game changer.

In regards to the weight loss, the easy answer is to just simply eat more. Additionally, what is your activity like? Are you running? Or are you picking up weights? I'm assuming that your weight loss was mostly fat loss, so if you eat more and do some squats, deadlifts, and other things to support more muscle growth, you may add back some lean body mass. Long runs are catabolic and really encourage a body to LOSE muscle mass, so dumping that for the time being may be necessary (if you're doing it, that is)

Fat is a really easy way to add calories without a lot of bulk. More coconut products? More avocados? More meat?

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I agree with Renee... good luck to you! I'm looking forward to following the rest of your whole30! Cheering you on from afar! :)

PS - I also suffer from migraines and I haven't had one at all during my whole30. I finished yesterday! Yay for no migraines :)

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