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Start or Restart !


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I am on Day 12 of my original program BUT I just discovered that the slice of bacon I have on Sunday's has sugar in the ingredients. I can understand the premise of completely clean food to clear out the system BUT I would be very disappointed if I have to start over at Day 1. This is a lifetime change and I have been perfect with everything else. 

I know Melissa and Dallas will say to start over BUT if I do will I experience the same day by day effects  detailed on the Whole30 timeline? 

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The "company line" so to speak is to start over upon anything but complete compliance. But.......since we're all adults in charge of our own lives, you get to read the article linked below about starting over and you tell us what you'll do. If you're on mobile and can't see the links in my forum signature, just google "Whole30 start over" and the article will pop right up. :) 

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Thanks for the confirmation of what I already knew I should do. I am sad I will have to tell my Whole30 daily that I ate off plan and it will start me over. OK, here we go, again. I guess it really doesn't matter since this is a lifestyle change ... for the rest of my life. What's a redo of 12 days.


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