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Entering Day 4 of my restart


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Day 1 to 3 on my restart were easy from the food content compliance standpoint.  BUT ..... I don't think I'm getting enough protein. I am getting the veggies in and the fats but seem to fall short of the 2-palm serving of protein. I even missed a meal one day due to my schedule. Somewhere it talks about having 3 quickie meals available at home, which I have, but I don't have any mini-meal on the go ideas for tie-over options.

What is the affect of low protein and does anybody have ideas for mini-meals to have on hand to grab and go?

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If you're consistently low on protein, you're likely to feel tired. You may not recover from workouts as well as you should.

However, remember that the meal template recommends a range -- 1-2 palm-sized portions. If you're getting at least one palm-sized portion, you're okay. Do work on ways to not miss meals, though.

Things you can keep on hand so that you have something you can grab quickly to eat would include cans of tuna or salmon or other fish or maybe even chicken, although I find it harder to find compliant canned chicken than fish (if you're leaving these at work, be sure you keep a can opener on hand if needed). If you have a fridge, you could keep hard boiled eggs or leftovers. If you have a freezer, you could freeze servings of just about anything that you could then take out and heat up in a microwave fairly quickly. There are compliant jerky or things like Epic bars, but I'd probably only use those if you really had no other options.

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Thanks Shannon. I was very tired yesterday which may have come from the low pro over the last few days. I am working on a few ideas for some mini-meals I can have packed in my fridge ready to pack in my car cooler.  I work from home so when I am caught out of my office my cooler has to be packed and ready to go. I am afraid to catch a quick meal in a restaurant during this 30 days. I will keep you posted and may even list a few of my mini-meals for the forum to critique.

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