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Looking for a buddy!


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Hi everyone! I'm looking for a buddy on this journey. I'm on Day 2 of my very first Whole30, and would love someone to keep me accountable (and sane!) along the way.  

My name is Rachel, and I live in Northwestern Ontario, along beautiful Lake Superior. I love outdoorsy activities like biking and hiking with my daughter, and am a chef by trade, so I loooove cooking!

Tell me about yourself :)



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Hi Rachel!  I would love to keep in touch and be mutual support.  I am in Texas.  Love the outdoors, swim, raft, hike and bike with my husband and two daughters.  We camp a lot in our RV.  After my arthritis kicked in, my activity dropped and I gained a lot of weight, which also made the arthritis worse!  But...hopefully this will help!

Day 2 for me!





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