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Better Late than Never - Started July 10

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Hello All,

I am a working momma of two under two. Before having two kiddos in the last two years, I was active, fit, and generally a healthy eater. Now two kids later, I am still active, not quite as active as I was, but I am getting there; however, in my quest to do all and be all I got into some bad eating habits. Like really bad. Like hamburger helper bad. I used the excuse of being busy. just having not one one but two babies, and breastfeeding. Now, kiddo number two is nursing less due to the introduction of solid food. I also have crazy allergies. I have had six sinus infections in as many months.

A friend of mine had completed Whole30 as a nursing mom, and had nothing, but positive things to say about it, so I read the book in two days. I had to rush read the book and start the program the following Monday because of a Family Reunion at the end of August. This will give me just enough time to complete the program and the reintroduction period. Note: I did my prep the Sunday before I started. 

I am on Day 2. The only thing I miss so far is cheese. The hardest part of my day is when my toddler gets home from school. He snacks while I cook. I usually snacked with him, Other than that, so far so good.



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