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Started TODAY! : )

Cynthia NASH

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Hello Everyone! This is my Day One.

A coworker gave me the WHOLE30 book yesterday and I was "in" after reading the Preface. In fact, I kept reading through the first section until I remembered I was at work ~Lol! I had a family meeting last night and made my decision while I experienced another night of multiple symptoms. Woke up early this morning to make my lunch, grab some fruit and out the door I went.  I. AM. EXCITED.  I think my biggest challenge will be not "watching" for symptoms, but I'm determined to do all 30 days.

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Hi Cynthia ... 

July 11th is my second "first day".  Originally, I began on July 1st and was doing great until I ate some corn (didn't realize it was on the "don't eat this" list).  So, I'm beginning again and determined to get it right this time.

What I have noticed so far is that many of my symptoms/discomforts have lessened or disappeared; so, I'm excited to continue and really heal this body of mine.  I'm still making my way through the book and learning so much about healthy foods.  Excited to try some recipes and learn to love fruit and veggies.  

Wishing you all the success in the world as we begin this journey!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My apologies DallasGypsy! Thought I had replied shortly after your response. I was traveling at the time, but just wanted to let you know today is Day 17 for me. I hope you're still doing well.

See you at the "finish line", although for me that might be Day 60 --not sure yet.

God Bless. 

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