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Starting July 16th

Sara Schechla

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We have a group of us starting on the 16th!  We're excited :) Question: a friend of mine had a fun 30 day map that she printed and put in her kitchen and checked off the days as she went along.  Do you still do that?  Also, are we supposed to log our food on here, or is that optional?  Thanks!


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Hum. I didn't know about the map and will be watching for replies to this from someone who knows.  I will be logging what I eat just because I'm seeing a dietician right now but I hadn't read anything about this on the program.  I'm starting on the 15th, so stay in touch and let me know what recipes you like.


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I'm not sure about the map, maybe it was this: https://whole30.com/bonus-whole30-graphics/

You can log your food here in the whole30 log section but you don't have to:  http://forum.whole30.com/forum/24-your-whole30-log/  Some people start Instagram accounts to post pics of their meals, or you could keep a handwritten journal or a document on your computer. We wouldn't recommend things like My Fitness Pal, since you don't need to track calories or macros. It can be helpful to have a record of what you've eaten, in case you have any issues and want to troubleshoot, or so you can look back when you hit the food boredom stage and remember, hey I really liked that meal, maybe I should make that again.


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