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Prep Day Before Day 1


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Today was the prep day for the first week of Whole30.  I am excited to begin the reset and worked hard today to get off to a successful start.  It was exhausting, tho.  There was a lot to do today (and 2 additional trips to buy groceries), but here's what I made:
Roasted veg (sweet pots, reg pots, such, b sprouts & cauliflower)
8 boiled eggs
2 mason jar salads (lunch)
Breakfast kale salad & pales bacon
Shredded leftover chicken
Marinated tahini chicken for din tomorrow 
I wanted to make mayo & sunshine sauce (excited to try coconut aminos) but just didn't have the energy.  I will make them tomorrow. Still need MORE stuff from the grocery, ugh.  I am sure I could have spent less $, next week I will be more careful.  Maybe with the $ I save on wine, it won't hurt.  
Speaking of wine, I am drinking the last of what I have tonight.  Bought seltzer to drink this week.  J read to me from the internet about the DTs.  Really hoping THAT doesn't happen.  What I am hoping for is to feel more clear, not have a headache in the morning and remember what my family says to me.  Little things...
Have been reading about how people felt bad, grumpy, etc. during their first week.  I resolve to stay positive.  If I feel bad, I will just take a nap.
Til tomorrow!
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Hi, @CFaye. It sounds like you've gotten a lot of prep done and are all set, which is great, it'll make your first few days easier.

What caught my eye is your mention of dt's due to stopping alcohol. I'm not a doctor, no one here is, but my understanding is that that is fairly rare, but if it is something you're concerned about, or especially if you think you're experiencing it, you really should talk to a doctor. It's not something you should try to deal with on your own.

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Thanks Shannon.  It was more tongue in cheek than anything.  

Day 1 went better than I expected!  I didn't mind the black coffee and I had some nice things to eat today.  I did feel vaguely hungry at points, but was able to keep it moving.

I did start to feel head-achy at about 9:30.  

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