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End of Standard American Diet


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Goodbye SAD,

You are no friend to me.....Day three of W30 and feeling free!

B: Eggs, compliant bacon, banana

L: Salad greens, leftover steak (grassfed)

D: Compliant sausage, spaghetti squash, peppers and onions, homemade plum tomato sauce.

Skin is clearing, sleeping like a baby. Stomach issues diminishing. Less irritable. Why do I go back to SAD when this feels so good?


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another EXCELLENT night of sleep. Body itching gone. Rashes on my face diminishing. Goodbye grains, chocolate, and dairy! You are no friend to me.....goodbye sugar. You make my moods spike way too much.

Today is a conference for me and tomorrow. I will pack some fruit, grass fed jerky, mixed nuts and unsweetened banana chips to gnosh in case the lunch is a carb fest which I am sure it will be. Green salad is always an option! I love this eating lifestyle. Going to explore some Paleo items to bring to my Thanksgiving feast!

Have a great day all!!!!

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Welcome to your new life. It's grand. I am on Day 50 - something. I stopped counting because its a no- brainer for me. After I completed a Whole 45 a had a glass of wine. Nope !!!! So I am a lifer.

Check out the Whole 9 blog for some truly terrific Thanksgiving ideas.

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Also, I work and eat out a lot for meetings. I carry a can of Wild Planet tuna (from Costco) with me at all times just in case! It has a pop top! Also Vigo Hearts of Palm.

I had no idea Costco carried Wild Planet tuna. I've been buying it at New Seasons...and I'm sure paying more than Costco.

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