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Susan W

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Susan W last won the day on September 10 2013

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About Susan W

  • Birthday January 3

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    Portland, Oregon

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  1. Kabob..great question. Kombuchakamp suggests cleaning out the vessel 3-4 times a year if that.
  2. Oh KB..I have sooo many baby SCOBYs that I keep my CB going, but also have a batch brew going to fill in the cold weather gaps. I do have a heat strip so maybe my SCOBYs are reproducing faster.
  3. Omg Vian. Thank you. I neglectef a continuous brew batch so it is way too acidic for me..um..call it vinegar. I am going to take the scobys out. Save one or two. Compost/flush the others and start fresh with sweet tea. I do not like that overly vinegar flavor.
  4. Kabob..unfortunately, those nice tips dont have any affect on the gum left by the GT Mylar labels. I tried them before using Goo Gone. If someone doesn't want to use Goo Gone..just leave the labels on. They are pretty labels.
  5. Jent, you may want to burp them so the bottles dont explode. That way, you can decide how much fizz has built up and whether it's time to drink them or let them sit longer. I think hibiscus seems to really fizz up. I wasn't using enough goo gone at first either. It's a little shocking how much it takes.
  6. "I am glad Susan weighed in. I am far too lazy to do it " Maybe..but you have stellar fizz and I never do. Grrr...
  7. Wow! I'm impressed. Bottling mine tonight and plan to put tons of hibiscus in there! "Side note - has anyone found a magical way to get the goo under the labels off the GT bottles?! I've tried SOS pads, stainless steel pads and even Goo Gone. I've googled and looked at this thread and hadn't found anything, but I still have yet to make it through all 54 pages before this so maybe I missed it!" I can help you with that. Fill the bottles with hot water and cap them. Dont get the labels wet. Let sit for 5 minutes. Then peel off from the top of where the label comes together to form the seam. If the label starts to leave paper on the bottle, just get it started again with your fingernail. When the mylar label is off, use goo gone to remove the glue from the bottle. When your mojo is good, very little goo stays on the bottle.
  8. I am having grilled chicken tonight and I had no idea what I was going to do, so I will turn some of my mayo into your lime cumin mayo. Perfect!!
  9. " my wasabi powder has tapioca starch?? I made baked kale chips, cauliflower hummus, and cumin lime mayo (homemade). Are these ok? They were all so good I was worried that they qualified as "sex with your pants on". Thanks for all your help! I am such a newbie... " Tapioca starch is okay. The others would only be considered SWYPO if they awakened a sleeping dragon for you. Cumin lime mayo sounds delish.
  10. Don't freak out if you have too much booch. I'm just a short drive up the I-5 and will gladly take some of your hands. Glad to see you back on the booch wagon...I'm still stalling on the moving forward. Oh that's right. When my SCOBYs get too much for me, I can send them to you. I am on my way to the airport. Going to England and Scotland for 2 weeks. We may skip Scotland and head for Greece. Your mission (should you accept it) is to find out how these people ship their SCOBYs.
  11. Booch is back in my life. Just started the SCOBY from a bottle of GT today. I miss it. I vow to not freak out when I have too much booch and too many SCOBYs to handle.
  12. So true Nadia. I need to remember to wrap it in a bit of wax paper though. I keep it in my smallest Pyrex dish and it sticks to the glass. I just thaw a bit to loosen it, but WAY too much trouble for this lazy girl. Plus..it grates so much better when frozen.
  13. Lol, Yes I love fizz. No, I was discussing kombucha-making, itself. Not the W30-ness of it. Oh then yes!! If riding your own bike it is absolutely okay and it works for fizz.
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