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Side effects: Day 5


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Tired is pretty normal, some mild diarrhea is not unheard of, but the rest is definitely not normal.

Weak usually means a person isn't eating enough, or isn't eating the right mix of foods, or possibly isn't salting their food. Double check the meal template and be sure sure you're making each meal match it. You can download the template here:  https://whole30.com/pdf-downloads/  If you want some feedback on whether your meals look about right,  you can list a day or of typical meals, any workouts you do plus the pre- and post-workout meals you have.

For the mouth sores, are you eating anything new? Or a lot more of something you usually don't eat as much of? If there's something like that, try cutting that out for a while and see if that helps. If it seems to be an allergic reaction, you should probably  talk to your doctor. 


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