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Sineads Whole30


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Hi everyone!

I know it's not the start of the month, but it's the start of the week and I've decided (after years and months of wishing I had the strength, motivation and determination!) to do a whole30. Today is my first day so I don't intend to log my meals until later this evening but if there is anyone starting today or trying to find the motivation to start, let me know!!! Would love to find some accountability partners!? 


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Thanks @ShannonM816

my first day down. breakfast: turkey burger with a fried egg, sautéed spinach with onions and a handful of olives. lunch: Chicken cobb salad with no cheese or dressing. dinner: Chicken with sweet potato, broccoli and half an avocado. snack: tablespoon of almond butter 


i feel so resistant to doing this today... the voice in my head has been doing everything possible to get me to start another day. My anxiety was high & I was quite emotional (sad and teary!). But I got through it and hoping I'll feel more enthusiastic tomorrow!!!


im also worried I'm eating too much - the meals seemed very large! 

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Day two: breakfast - turkey burger, fried egg and half an avocado; lunch - big greek salad (no feta!) with chicken; dinner - turkey roll-ups with tomato and cucumber; snacks - handful of mixed nuts


Today was much easier than I thought - i was expected headaches and heartaches over food but it was quite ok. I was craving sugar quite a lot and really wanted something sweet after lunch. My lunch was a bit later than expected (about 2pm) so I really wasn't hungry at dinner. I had some turkey roll-ups with cucumber and tomato but worry that I might be extra hungry tomorrow!



I'm still playing that game with my mind about whether to give up or not... but I'm trying to ignore it and power through. Day two down!


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Day three: breakfast - ground turkey with carrots, celery, onions and garlic, half an avocado; lunch - chicken cobb salad with no dressing and no cheese; dinner - sweet potato pie with ground turkey mince.


I have felt so nauseous all day.. i haven't felt hungry at all, just full (like an uncomfortable full). I know that if I wasn't committed to this, I would probably have ended up eating sugary or low-nutrient foods rather than meals to just keep this feeling away. I have had loads of energy and didn't really feel like I needed to eat, like there was no physical hunger, just emotional hunger (especially after getting in from a long day at work). I do feel much more committed today.. but hope this feeling of nausea leaves soon as it's not nice!!!!

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Day four: breakfast - same as yesterday (ground turkey with carrots, celery, onions and garlic, half an avocado); lunch - omelette with chicken sausage, tomato, onion and spinach; dinner - greek salad with chicken (no feta)


Today the nausea was still there but I also had some more digestive discomfort and issues. I was working from home so it was manageable but hope it doesn't flare up in work tomorrow. Still feeling a bit uncommitted (it comes in waves!) but trying to stay strong and just focus on the next meal, rather than the next 26 days!!!!

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Day five: breakfast: ground turkey mince with carrots, celery, onions, garlic and broccoli; lunch: veggie soup; snack: 3 turkey roll-ups and cucumber; dinner: omelette with chicken sausage, chicken, tomato, spinach and onion.


I'm so proud I got through today.. Fridays (and weekends) are hard for me because I usually would have used food as a treat or a reward for getting through the week. I still feel a bit off so I'm hoping that feeling will pass soon. I also think I need to rethink my food choices because (1) i'm still feeling hungry in the morning after breakfast; (2) i was snacking a lot more today (and hungry in general) 


Fingers crossed for a successful weekend! This, for me, will be one of my biggest hurdles!

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Day six: breakfast - ground turkey, spinach, egg hash; lunch - veggie soup with chicken, two tablespoons of almond butter; dinner - roasted salmon, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, onion and broccoli.



Today was hard.. I woke up feeling anxious and irritated (although I live on my own and nothing aggravated me!) I kept myself really busy all day to make sure I didn't give in to temptation. I was so tempted!!! While doing errands I kept looking at the cookies and cake and candy.. I had to promise myself I would let myself have some after Whole30. I also had a headache in the morning but that passed as the day went on. I'm going to go to bed early again so that I can prevent myself from eating - I'm so tempted to go to the store and buy everything I want and just binge in front of the TV. So awful I know, but I just want to check out!

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Day seven (Can't believe I've made it through the week and weekend!): breakfast - turkey burger, fried egg and half an avocado; lunch - roasted salmon, brussel sprouts and olives; dinner - omelette with chicken sausage, spinach, spaghetti squash (to get extra veg in) and sun dried tomatoes and half an avocado.


I knew the weekend would be tough and found it so interesting that today I was wandering around the house looking for food, looking for sugar to be specific, even though I wanted to stick to my plan. I didn't have many plans for today and so I felt bored. It was the first time in so long that I was willing to recognize the feeling rather than fill up on food. I'm so proud for making it to day seven and while I have been exhausted this weekend, I'm so committed to giving it my all next week!

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Day eight: breakfast - turkey burger and olives, lunch - chicken cobb salad (no dressing, no cheese), dinner - roasted salmon, brussel sprouts, mashed sweet potato, broccoli and onion. snacks - some nuts


I think I may not have eaten enough for breakfast - given that my dinner last night wasn't as filling as I had planned - because I got a serious whopper of a headache around 11:30am and it was a tough day to get through with that going on. I also think it was some Monday work stress because my body felt sore and tired. I had hoped to go for a walk after work, but by the time I got home I was exhausted, heated up some dinner and am hitting bed early. 

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Day nine: breakfast - potato hash with ground turkey; lunch - spaghetti squash with salmon, arugula & tomato; dinner - shrimp stir-fry with spaghetti squash & coconut aminos; snack - (too many) nuts and raisins 


i usually drink tea but this morning I really wanted a coffee - I’ve been regretting it since. From the afternoon my tummy has been upset and I’ve had a dreadful taste in my mouth. I was also working from home this afternoon and due to some disruptive news and the above physical feelings I ended up eating much more nuts and dried raisins than I should have. Still compliant but I knew it was emotional!!! 

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day ten: breakfast - potato hash with ground turkey and egg; lunch - chicken cobb salad with no dressing or cheese; dinner - sweet potato pie with turkey; snacks - too many nuts!!!


I was happy with my food choices today and my cravings were really for comfort and boredom. I didn't give in and just tried to keep myself super busy. So proud to have reached double digits! :)

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Day eleven - breakfast: potato hash with egg and salmon; lunch: spaghetti squash with shrimp and veggie stir fry; dinner: same as breakfast but with some chicken sausage 


Today was tough for me as TOM happened. I was frustrated and irritable but also so ridiculously busy that I felt I didn’t have any time to do anything. I probably ate too many nuts but i think without them I definitely would have went off track.

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Day twelve. Breakfast: potato hash with chicken sausage and avocado; lunch: spaghetti squash with shrimp stir fry: dinner: chicken breast roasted with sweet potato and broccoli and avocado


today was so so busy. Felt rushed and underprepared especially as I was super super hungry by the time I got to dinner. Will need to shop tomorrow and be more prepared. Was trying to go today without nuts but when I got home starved and still had to cook, a handful of nuts got me through 



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Day thirteen. breakfast: turkey burger, fried egg, argula and half an avocado. lunch: homemade soup with chicken. dinner: sweet potato turkey pie with broccoli and avocado.


Yesterday I was so busy that I just had three meals. I didn't snack on nuts - which is something I'm trying to shift away from for week 3 - and I had three fillings meals. I enjoyed them, but I felt yesterday (and this morning) that I'm missing the emotional crutch of food more. Snacking and some sugar laden food at a weekend would allow me to mindlessly graze. I do count it as a NSV that i'm not longer engaging in this behaviour, but funny how much I miss it.

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day fourteen. breakfast: turkey burger, fried egg, argula and half an avocado. lunch: homemade soup with chicken. dinner: turkey burger with tomato, egg, avocado wrapped in collard green leaves with fried brussel sprouts.


Today was so busy again that I wasn't snacking at all and that felt good. I do need to remove nuts as much as possible, We went out for dinner today, first time on the program and I made some really good compliant decisions with the menu. It felt really empowering to do so! 

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day fifteen: breakfast: turkey burger, fried egg, argula and half an avocado. lunch: chicken salad with tomato, cucumber and olives. dinner: sweet potato, brussel sprouts and carrots, fried shrimp.


My boyfriend made a whole30 meal for me and it was so gorgeous. So tasty, full of fresh flavors and even better because he made it! It was so kind of him to make something to fit my plan and we both really enjoyed it. He has suggested he wants to eat more like me so this was a great start! I found lunch a bit bland so I brought my own today!

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