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Just started yesterday and MAN does my head ache!!


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This is my first Whole30 and I am SUPER excited! I started out on this journey after a pretty indulgent summer. To be completely honest, I thought it would be a great weight loss tool. Then a friend said "If you're going to do it, read the book!" So, I did. And boy am I glad I did! I was so inspired! This journey has become about so much more. I only get this one body and its time I start being good to it! And that starts with hitting the reset button with the Whole30 and then really listening to my body, what it wants and needs, how it feels, and how what I put into it effects me. 

All that being said....its day two and I feel TERRIBLE! Well, not too terrible. Its really just this massive headache. I'm in good spirits though! I've wrapped my head around the fact that the headache is coming from withdrawal. But my sugar dragon can huff and puff all it wants! IT WILL NOT WIN! 

My name is Susan and its so nice to be here. Thanks in advance for all of your support! LET'S DO THIS!!!

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I thought I was the oddball, starting on a Wednesday. Glad to see a kindred (mid-week) spirit!

It's my third Whole30, and I'm not feeling terrible. I had been eating so badly prior to this week, so I am anticipating some kind of hangover feeling. Let's do this!



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