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Breakfast logistics

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Moms of babies/toddlers, what do your mornings look like? Do you manage to eat soon after waking up and if so, how?

I just started today and need help with the logistics of eating breakfast soon after waking up. I know that is important, and it definitely makes my day better. 

Right now, my 6 month old is sleeping in our room but will be transitioning to sleeping in her room soon. She wakes up as soon as my husband’s alarm goes off, usually 5-6. I get up, go to the bathroom, get my coffee, turn on the lights in her room, and usually that’s about all she can take. I change her, nurse her, she plays while I pump, then if she is still happy I eat some cereal. Often I don’t eat until she goes down for her first nap, which leaves me pretty weak. I used to get up before her to eat and pump, but she’s too aware of what’s going on now.

She is starting solids as soon as we get a booster seat from my mom, and I’m hoping that will help. I’m thinking then after I nurse her she can play in her high chair while I cook and then we can eat together (we are doing baby led weaning, so she’ll just eat what I’m eating). What other ideas do you have? 

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