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I'm 52. Just over 6 feet tall and 13 stone.

I was eating donuts, sweets, chocolate and drinking coke daily although I am also diabetic. But life was good.

My partner decided to put us on this diet.

So what's changed.

I'm still 52, just over 6 feet tall and 13 stone.

BUT. now I have diahrea every day. Take pain killers every morning, noon and night because my body hurts continuously. Have no energy to do anything. Can no longer walk all my dogs each day due to lack of strength.

But my partner tells me it's good for me because I will live longer.

Do I want to live longer like this ???????

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No, no-one would want to live longer like that. However, before anyone can offer any advice to help find out what's going on we'd need a bit more info. How many days into W30 are you and what have you been eating. If we know what you're eating and how far into the program you are, I'm sure they're lots of people might be able to suggest things to help you feel better.

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Breakfast - Sausage, egg, tomatos and mushroom.

2 to 3 meals a day consisting of meat(chicken or beef) and vegetables.

Apart from the odd occassion I have managed to avoid vegetables for nearly 30 years of my life. ever since they disected an organic tomato and found 53 man made chemicals in it that were present in the UK soils.

Been on it for 2 weeks. the first week was ok but the second week saw a MASSIVE deteriation from being able to walk several miles with dogs to now having to rest every 200 to 300 yards. Waking up in pain and going to bed in pain.

I can't ever image again having the energy and stamina I had two weeks ago.

If I try to do any manual work my arms and legs start to shake, I start to get dizzy and need to sit down.

Having watched people all my life (bit of a people watcher) I have often wondered why so many old people look as if they are walking in pain and have now come to the conclusion that once we reach a certain age we stop feeding our bodies food that allows us to have an active life and start feeding it food that we hope will allow us to cheat death for as long as possible.

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Wolfdogpete--eat more starchy carbs. Sweet potatoes, squashes. Eat a lot of them--some at every meal wouldn't be too much.

Are you getting enough approved fat? Olives? Avocados?

What's the quality of your meat? If it is factory farmed--don't eat the fat! That's where all the nastiness ends up. What about that sausage? Are you sure it doesn't contain nitrates or sulphites, sugar, etc?

Have you read It Starts with Food? If you haven't,do so. I think you'll be surprised.

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In the UK ALL chickens are fed on grain. Free range chickens in the uk just have more "pen" space than others. They are ALL factory farmed. I don't eat any fat YUCK!!!!

There is no way of finding out if the sausages contain nitrates or sulphates because there are no labels on butchers sausages and supermarket sausages donot have to state that kind of information.

My partner tells me she is feeding me Sweet potatoes and squahes. I don't know much about vegetables having never eaten them before.

Olives - no chance - I would be sick as soon as one touched my mouth.

My partner has read the book because she's the one that feeds me.

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I'm sorry you're feeling so rotten. My first question would be 'Are you sure you're getting enough food?' this isn't meant to be a diet that restricts calories or cuts down the amount you can eat. Anyone not eating enough will feel shaky and dizzy when they try to do anything. When you say sausage, egg etc for breakfast, I take it you mean sausageS, eggS because one sausage and egg would never be enough for me, never mind a 6 ft guy :) .

You say meat and veg, sounds fine but how much?. You can aim for 2 palm sized portions of meat and a whole plateful of veg. As Alana said, starchy veg like sweet potato is very good at filling you up and giving you energy. And again are you getting enough fat? A thumb sized portion with each meal should be the minimum.

Also are you drinking enough, plain water preferably. Being dehydrated can cause weakness, dizzyness and lots of aches and pains and, mostly, we don't even feel thirsty.

Hopefully this'll get sorted out as, honestly, rough patches aside, it will make you feel so much better in the long run. :)

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What do people on this diet drink?

I don't like tea or coffee, the water that comes out the tap has more chemicals and rubish in it than a dirty roadside puddle.

A TV program done a test on bottles water and proved that all the ones tested contained enough rubish to allow bacteria to mutliply at an astonishing rate.

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Kirsteen - Yes it's Sausages and Eggs. Usual 3 sausages and 2 eggs, plus mushrooms and tomatoes.

Meat and veg I eat as much as I can until I feel full.

Drinking is a problem. I was on 12 cans of diet coke a day and as mentioned in the previous post (which I sent as yours arrived) I have never drunk much else (except lager).

The water that comes out of our taps isn't even clear and leaves an awful taste in the mouth.

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Here in the UK what you want is organic chicken. I agree the phrase 'free-range' has become meaningless. Organic chickens must actually spend time outside eating their natural diet. Yes that may be topped up with cereal but it will be organic, non-GMO cereal which is about the best you can hope for. I don't know anyone who can raise chickens without adding a cereal feed.

All prewrapped sausages here must state whether they contain bisulphites but it's often just listed in the ingredients as E223 - that's Sodium metabisulphite.

It definitely sounds as though you need to up your fat intake. You can use coconut fat in coconut milk or cream in food, olive oil, ghee, avocados, even nuts in moderation if you don't like fat in meat.

As for drinking, I drink a lot of water. I use tap water and run it through a filter jug first, it really does improve the taste. All municipal water supplies do go through really rigorous testing bit if you're really bothered about the quality of your water, not just the taste, you can get filters on Amazon, that allow you to safely drink from mountain streams and muddy puddles. Also, if you actually buy bottled spring water as opposed to some of the supermarkets 'bottled table water', again there is a full analysis of contents on the bottle. I know some TV programs have tried to give them a really bad press, but i don't necessarily go along with that.

I have to say it does sound as though you're dehydrated and that would cause all the symptoms you've been having.

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You may be having some blood sugar effects from changing your diet. It might be worth doing some extra checks of blood sugar and consulting with your doctor about altering any medications you might be taking, if needed.

In the medical issues forum there's a really detailed thread for type 1 diabetics, and that might give you some insights as well.

If you are committed to stick with this, you might also think about looking into what foods, from the Whole30 approved list, you actually want to eat, and talk it all over with your partner.

Does she know you are feeling worse this week? Frankly, if I were in your shoes I'd look at it as a dietary effect on the diabetes and start looking at blood sugars and what to do about timing of eating, types of foods, and how all of this is affecting blood sugar levels and medication dosages.

And if you're type 1, head over to the medical issues forum and read through the info for type 1 diabetics. It's REALLY detailed and you could ask a ton of questions there.

If I were you I wouldn't try to tough out the icky feelings, I'd look for the source. You're diabetic, and you've made a radical change to your diet. It should be a good eating plan for you overall, but you need to do your own investigating about why you are dizzy (this sounds like blood sugar issues) and having so much pain (again, sounds like blood sugar issues). And take care of yourself.

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Pete, I also had these problems with changing my diet. In your case the obvious change to me ( doesn't mean the correct one though) is increasing vegetables which would give you a much higher fibre diet than you were used to. It also takes a few weeks to detox from artificial sweeteners and caffeine. I found my second week was awful, pain, sleep problems, and no energy. For example after 48 hours of no exercise, when I would try to do a run I had instant muscle fatigue far worse than I ever had even after running 12km after exercising two hours every day.... But in my third week I tried a run and I was back to normal. Sleeping better, no aches except a few headaches and much better digestive response. I think it was mainly my body needing time to adjust to burning fat more efficiently but I did also up my fat intake and my starchy carb intake. Fat in particular seems to help combat diarrhea. But I agree with Amy as well, you need to keep an eye on it in case it's a medical problem not just detoxing. Good luck.

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