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Help for the Holidays


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I'm on my second week of the whole30 challenge and I'm proud to say I've successfully survived Thanksgiving sticking to proteins and veggies while being sure to only snack on almonds and carrots. However, I found that amongst sticking to whole30 appropriate foods, I over ate on whole 30 appropriate foods. I mean sure, carrots and apples and almonds are fine, but a whole bag of carrots? Maybe too many apples? I guess I'm just having a hard time finding a healthy balance while still avoiding the temptations of the holidays. Again, I'm proud of myself for staying away from the sweets and alcohols and even the joys of a warm buttered roll, but did I still over do it by eating too many fruits and veggies? What is everyone else experiencing this holiday season?!

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Are you eating only apples and carrots and almonds as a "snack"? A snack really should be considered a mini-meal, including proteins and fats.

Are you incorporating enough fats into your meals as well? I can generally go 6 hrs. between meals without a snack when I do that. If I skimp on the fats, my hunger is back earlier.

Just some thoughts!

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It is best eat a mini-meal that includes protein, fat, and veggies when you are hungry. I ate 5 meals per day when I did my first Whole30, but eventually worked down to 3 meals per day by learning to eat bigger meals. The only "snacking" I do is to eat 2 Brazil nuts and several sheets of Sea Snax each day. I usually eat them when I am cooking, not so much because I am hungry, but because they are rich in nutrients I want and they don't fit into a meal easily.

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