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Day 2 and I'm excited :)


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This is my first Whole30 and I'm on day 2 and am pretty excited :) I've had digestive issues and skin problems for years and didn't know what the cause of it was. A year ago I gave up gluten and felt a bit better. My twin sister did the same and we were both recently told that we needed to cut out dairy and sugar as well. I went a week without dairy and then had a latte.. couldn't believe how awful I felt (not to mention how much my digestion screwed up)... even after just a week! While poking around the internet I came across info about the Paleo diet and it kinda made sense to me. so I bought the Whole30 book and read it cover to cover last week... lot of stuff in there resinated with me. I know the holidays aren't the best time to do this.. but not being able to have gluten or dairy anyways means that I can't eat most of what my family makes (They try but they don't really understand.. I get a lot of "what wil really happen to you if you eat this?" etc questions) and so I figured I'm already part of the way there... why not just dive right in? :D Plus I'm going on my honeymoon in Jan and want to be able to have a glass of wine now and again :D Sorry I'm ranting... I'm excited and looking forward to feeling better :D

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