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Whole 30 friends---I am a first timer and on Day 4---"Kill all the things".  That phrase certainly isn't an understatement, as my fiance asked me "what's your problem" first thing this am LOL.  I am really struggling today---I woke up feeling terrible.  My workout was awful, I felt like a cloud the whole time (not in a good way).  I have no energy, I feel foggy, my limbs feel like led and to add insult to injury I woke up with a sore throat (no other "cold" symptoms though").  I thought I was doing a good job with the food (getting those starchy carbs and protein/fat) and have posted below what I ate yesterday.  My question---is this normal, and will it get better? I didn't have the headache that was referenced in the book so I'm wondering if I am on track.  I can hold on and embrace the suck if I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is worth it.  A lot of the blogs I've read online didn't struggle like I am early on and boy am I struggling.  I also have raging hunger at about 3pm and struggle to get to dinner (even with a snack!!).  Help!!!

Breakfast: ground pork and butternut squash sauteed in clarified butter with 2 poached eggs, 1/2 avocado and berries

Lunch: Bell pepper stuffed with ground beef and butternut squash

Snack: cashews, banana, apple, scoop of almond butter

Dinner: cauliflower "fried" rice with shrimp


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1 hour ago, grenfeer said:

Whole 30 friends---I am a first timer and on Day 4---"Kill all the things".  That phrase certainly isn't an understatement, as my fiance asked me "what's your problem" first thing this am LOL.  I am really struggling today---I woke up feeling terrible.  My workout was awful, I felt like a cloud the whole time (not in a good way).  I have no energy, I feel foggy, my limbs feel like led and to add insult to injury I woke up with a sore throat (no other "cold" symptoms though").  I thought I was doing a good job with the food (getting those starchy carbs and protein/fat) and have posted below what I ate yesterday.  My question---is this normal, and will it get better? I didn't have the headache that was referenced in the book so I'm wondering if I am on track.  I can hold on and embrace the suck if I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is worth it.  A lot of the blogs I've read online didn't struggle like I am early on and boy am I struggling.  I also have raging hunger at about 3pm and struggle to get to dinner (even with a snack!!).  Help!!!

Breakfast: ground pork and butternut squash sauteed in clarified butter with 2 poached eggs, 1/2 avocado and berries

Lunch: Bell pepper stuffed with ground beef and butternut squash

Snack: cashews, banana, apple, scoop of almond butter

Dinner: cauliflower "fried" rice with shrimp


It'll definitely get better! Once your body becomes fat adapted you'll start to feel more energy and the fog should lift.

You might want to consider upping your meal sizes though - veggies and fat at every single meal will give you the right kind of energy and you won't have to snack.

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