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Steak Spice


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Hi there!

Yesterday, on day 22 of my whole 30 I had dinner with my mother and some family friends. Everyone made whole 30 friendly stuff so that I could eat, which was so sweet!

Except, as I bit into a second small piece of steak I recognized what I was eating was from my mother's freezer. I remembered reading the label on the meat and seeing steak spice ingredients, and I think one of those was wheat starch. Is my whole 30 in the toilet because of this?

I'm really sad.


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Could be a problem. I'm sorry. Even a little wheat can cause gut problems, especially if you are sensitive.

Here's what I would recommend: Keep going, but here are the issues.

1) If you experience some gastrointestinal distress, you can blame it on the steak spice with wheat starch and consider this a valuable lesson learned.

2) If you don't feel anything, it could be either because the amount consumed was not enough to cause trouble or because you are not especially sensitive. However, it might still have degraded your gut health some.

If you were already feeling good by the time you reached day 22, you might be okay to call your Whole30 complete at day 30. If you were not feeling good yet, you might want to add more time to your Whole30 to make allowances for some gut disturbance. You might not require 30 days from today, but you might want to go for a Whole40 or 45 to give yourself some extra time to experience the magic.

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