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Starting up whole30 12/27-1/25... STOKED!


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So I was an exercise and health science major in school and REALLY enjoyed manipulating my body through diet and exercise and really seeing what worked and what didnt back then. Im 26 now and Its been 3 years and I really went off the deep end; started smoking, binge eating for a period in there, and generally just not eating healthy and not even a thought of exercise.

Since I have been dealing with some extreme fatigue at different times of the day, along with some moderate depression in general because of the way I feel compared to how I used to. Back pain and neck pain from constant tension and stress as well. Admittedly this will be my first paleo-esk attempt but I am excited to prove to myself it can be done. Really aiming for the difference in how I feel vs. what the scale says. Once I whole30 I may introduce slowly some other non-whole30 complaint but paleo non the less foods from civlizedcavemancooking.

I plan to share progress and would hope to gain support as the sugar-dragon has really taken a whooping on my body over these past few years. I am very confident that with God's help and some will power this will be an incredibly amazing challenge to complete. Ready to get back on track physically.

I subscribed for the $15 30 day encouragement and help from whole9life as well but now dont have access to my day 0 pack my work email deletes it from the servers once its opened so I cant access it remotely :( I was hoping to plan tonight and grocery store tomorrow if need be and make a simple breakfast... looks like I may actually start Friday if I cant get my day 0 pack tonight.

My reward to myself is a Swedish message and crossfit enrollment once I complete my goal!

Thanks and I look forward to my stay here,


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Awesome! I'm thinking about starting tomorrow mostly because the first week is rough getting through the "carb flu" and sugar withdrawal and I don't have to be back at work until Jan 2nd. I figured if I can spend the next 6 days getting on a schedule, while detoxing and having the extra time to sleep and be crabby in my own home, I should just go for it.

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I'm in. Here's hoping I stick with it this time. This might be my 3rd or 4th attempt at a whole 30. I usually quit after 2 weeks. I think the extra support of the forum will help!

About to eat my last NON whole30 meal :lol:

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^ hey love, sorry I havent checked in... I havent lesft the kitchen all weekend. Just found out my favorite new snack is Kale chips! They are delicous. We've got this though fo sho :) They dont have a smiley like my pup, ill update with a pic of me

Your welcome for the links guys, thefoodee.com is epic. Day 4 down!!!!

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Day 4:

B: Free range omelet (found an awesome source right down the street only $3/dozen instead of $8 from whole foods!) with spinach, bell pepper, guacamole, black pepper, and paprika.

L: Another omelet and banana with almond butter LOL :)

D: Grass fed, pastured lamb burger topped with Serrano peppers, fried egg, and avacado.

MMMMmmm loving it thus far!

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jc good luck on the whole30. i have been a professional dieter and i knew what worked and what didnt, but those cookies and snacks were just so tasty. lol after changing jobs to a less physical one, getting married and have the stress from a job in NYC i have found it difficult to eat right, exercise and not stress eat. i hope these next 30 days go well for you and i hope i can do the same. we are all here to help and support eachother.

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Most assuredly Jennifer, you can do this I promise. it's actually nowhere near as hard as I was thinking and hopefully ill still be saying that in a few weeks. I am finding that I really enjoy cooking and preparing food like never before and that's keeping me motivated as well. Add exercise and i've been sleeping like a baby!

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OK so Day 18...and hit massively with cravings! I thought I was past this now. I am sitting in a coffee shop surrounded by people eating pastries and my mouth is watering like crazy! I haven't eaten a pastry in months and months, so why do I want one now? I'm not hungry at all, my scrambled eggs and spinach breakfast saw to that. Anyone else hit a wall this late in the game?

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